It has certainly been a crazy week! There is a LOT I’d like to say, but I have been appointed to the Mayor-elect’s transition team, so have much less time to shoot off my mouth on the internet at the moment. (Do you think that motivated the appointment?) Some day perhaps I’ll write the book, a la Pernice to Me! Also, I’d like to thank BMG for its part in connecting cannoneo and the campaign. He did some great work with us!
I wanted to quickly let interested BMGers know that we’re starting to assemble the transition team, and anyone who is interested in volunteering should apply here:
That site is also taking resumes for employment with the Administration, but it should be noted that you need to live in Boston to work for the Administration in most cases.
Best of luck with your endeavors on the transition team. (No rest for the weary, eh?)
That expression appears multiple places in Isaiah (48:22, 57:20, and 57:21). It’s rest or peace for the wicked. I know her only casually, but I don’t believe Joyce fits.
Though “weary” is an increasingly used variant in modern speech with plenty of cites, should you care to dig around. Also, let’s not forget Lamentations 5:5 — “Those who pursue us are at our heels; we are weary and find no rest.” So the weary get no rest in the bible, either.
But all this is academic and beside the point, because you’re wrong: Joyce is wicked … wicked pissah. đŸ˜‰