Senators Jerry Moran of Kansas and Rob Portman of Ohio are urging Scott Brown to run against Obamacare supporting, “If you like your health care plan and your doctors, you can keep them” touting Jeanne Shaheen. Former NH Congressman Charlie Bass called Scott Brown and urged him to run, citing he is the most viable candidate NH Republicans can put forward.
As I predicted earlier this year, the first in the nation may I add, right here on BMG, that Scott Brown would sell his home and move to tax free (income and sales tax) NH. He did sell his home and Scott makes weekly visists to the Granite State, supporting local Republicans (ie. making friends). To me, Scott Brown’s independence and hold the line on taxes, fits New Hampshire’s “live free or die” motto, more so than the “baah baah” liberalism Massachusetts has grown to love and embrace.
Keep in mind, Shaheen won her seat in 2008 with a whopping 52% of the vote, during the Obama tsunami over McCain. I’m impressed…not! Next year, Scott will have good friends like Chris Christie and former colleague Sen. Rand Paul stumping for his candidacy. And Scott is a big tent Republican, meaning he is pro-choice, which will appeal to more moderate, sensible women voters. And what tilts the scales for Scott, is his is opposition to Obamacare.
You like your doctor NH voters? Well, “Health-care plans are instituting very restrictive provider networks to try to keep down costs in the face of astronomically rising premiums. In New Hampshire, for instance, only 16 of the state’s 26 hospitals will be in the network of exchange plans approved by Obamacare”. Defend that Jeanne, and yes, please, please bring Obama in to campaign for you next year.
harry-lyme says
Why don’t you move to New Hampshire, get involved in the campaign, and never, ever, ever post another message here again?
Christopher says
Shaheen should bring it up, but it’s sad commentary that Brown is the best the GOP can come up with. They used to have a deeper and more competent bench in NH.
Trickle up says
I used to live in New Hampshire. Deep bench I will give you, but more competent? I am scratching my head.
Chuck Bass? Mel Thomson? The Sununus?
That said, if the NH GOP does not laugh Mr Carpetbagger back to Iowa or wherever he is claiming to be from these days, it is sure not the party it used to be.
Christopher says
Norris Cotton, Warren Rudman, Judd Gregg (and father Hugh)
NH used to be the bastion of a particularly Yankee brand of conservatism, but which was still firmly planted in the real world.
Trickle up says
and Cotton was before of my time. But Juddhead? We’ll just have to disagree about that.
Even if I spot you his dad, and some of the McLanes, that’s not much of a bench over 40 years.
jconway says
If Brown runs, even if he uses local people instead of Ferhnstrom and other assorted Romneyworld losers-he will likely face a locally raised wing nut who will outflank him on social issues dragging Scotto to the right for the general. Shaheen is a solid fiscal conservative backed by Emily’s List, PP, as NARAL who will not stay neutral against Brown even if he is pro-choice. And the more he talks pro-choice the more he alienates himself from the far more pro life NH GOP. I don’t see it happening.
jconway says
Pro choice=DOA for a Presidential run and Governor or against Markey in 14′ in MA would be competitive races. Polls still show him popular in MA. For Gov he can run away from the national party and for Senator he could run against Markey who is short on funds and charisma. Either way the rewards outweigh the risks-if he loses in NH is career, even as a commentator, is permanently over. On second though-go for it Scott!
Christopher says
Charisma I guess is more subjective, but can you cite a shortage of funds?
jconway says
I was very enthusiastic of him and Warren as a team and have several pots backing that. I always said he’d be a fine Senator. He is a lousy politician, and anyone thinking he didn’t get off easy last time around is kidding themselves. Brown v Markey in a non-presidential year with Baker toppling the ticket would be extremely competitive. The short on funds argument is just reality, Brown wouldn’t be stupid enough to take the people’s pledge a second time and would have Koch and other allies pummel
Markey over and over.
The fact that he skipped on that indicates he won’t run. Running in NH would be far more logistically difficult and he’d have the carpet bagging charge to contend with. And if he lost the risks are a lot higher. It’s idle chatter to stole his ego and up his speaking fees. And it’s really cute how excited DFW is getting over it.
danfromwaltham says
Scott Brown pays NH property taxes just like Jeanne, and has political views much more aligned with NH voters. Shaheen = Obamacare = sold on a huge lie = premium spikes for working middle class = Democrat debacle in 2014 = kelley Ayotte/Scott Brown dynamic duo.
Christopher says
…to refer to Baker “toppling” the GOP ticket. If he wants to topple his party’s whole ticket I say more power to him:)
Mark L. Bail says
I think Scotto is playing the Sarah Palin strategy: running for fun and money. Being senator isn’t so hard, but being governor can actually involve work. Why work when you can work the GOP welfare system?
HeartlandDem says
Northeast coast reality television version of “Alaska” and he and Gail can climb a mountain singing Edelweiss.
….I need a tissue, s’cuse me.
shillelaghlaw says
At least that’s what Scotto said about people who floated the idea a few weeks ago.
HeartlandDem says
Sounds an awful lot like Mitt’s scolding of Ms. O’Brien during the 2002 gubernatorial campaign…….”unbecoming.”