There’s a post on the recent list with a title that implies that everyone in New York will suffer limited choice and higher premiums due to the Affordable Care Act. Reading the linked article, it turns out that the situation described affects a very small subset of free-lance professional people. To the editors: when is enough, enough?
Please share widely!
From the article:
For the ACA to work, the law has to make it impossible for insurers to “skim cream”, i.e., you don’t want to give them a way of collecting healthy subscribers and avoiding less healthy ones. For example, you don’t want to let them require you to sign up in person in their six floor walk-up. Insurance has to involve pooling of risk; if risk ceases to be evenly distributed, it won’t work. That’s the reason the ACA has to be very careful about associations that buy insurance together.
(a) The NYT article does discuss a pretty unfortunate situation, and if the word “some” were inserted before “New Yorkers” in the title, it would be perfectly accurate. I can’t get too upset about that.
(b) You are, as always, free to ignore posts by authors you don’t care for.
Were it me — and I know it isn’t, I wouldn’t be so comfortable with misleading posts popping up on a website I co-administered. Are johnt001 and I too fastidious?
for posting inaccuracies back on 9/21:
Since that time, he has posted more and more garbage – go through his posts and comments and try to find accuracy! He is trashing your brand with his misleading and self-serving junk. If I ran this asylum, he’d be in the rubber room for good…
Remember that time he posted a bunch of garbage, we ignored it, and it faded into obscurity and we all padded ourselves on the back? Let’s keep
doing that!
The post that is the subject here is sliding down the recent list with no responses, and that’s fine with me. But that’s beside the point – since the last time Dan was warned about making misleading posts, he has continued yo post them, and every tome one slides off the list, he posts another. My question remains: when is enough, enough?
When I first read the title of this diary, my heart sank, I thought “my God, someone got the Obamacare healthcare pink slip, their insurance was terminated like millions of others around the fruited plain. I am relieved that was not the case, I wouldn’t wish the Obamacare Exchanges on my worse enemy.
So, speaking of “Lies””, I am not surprised Obama got the “Lie of the Year Award” from Politifact. I will say this for Obama, he surely deserved this award more than the Nobel Peace Prize. I mean, Obama really went out of his way to dupe the American electorate, didn’t he? He said the same lie over and over again, and with a straight face too. He is good, gotta give him credit.
So how bad was the lie. Well, if you live in Concord NH, you need to drive 26 miles to Manchester to go to the nearest in-network hospital, b/c just 16 of the 26 acute care hospitals are on the Obamacare Exchange for the Granite State. Hey Scott Brown, gas up the truck and take down the other liar, Jeanne Shaheen, who voted for this crap law built on a mountain of lies.
How about NY, the poor souls on that Obamacare Exchange “stand to be shut out of the two most prestigious hospitals” b/c they are only listed in 3 of the 9 plans offered. “Is this the medical version of red-lining”?
So when you talk about lies and the liars who spew them, let’s begin with 2013 recipient of “The Lie of the Year” award, President Obama.
While it is true that Politifact named this the lie of the year, the article explaining the choice is a bit more nuanced and goes into how this came about. It even says the promise was “impossible” to keep which says to me it isn’t really all the President’s fault. Keep in mind this site is a little absolutist with no room for rhetoric. In the same way it often refers to a “promise broken” making it sound like the President went back on his word when in reality the label should be “Congress refused to go along.”
Because the promise was “impossible” to keep.
It’s his law, his name attached to it, which he fully embraced during the first debate. Not fully his fault meaning what? 99% his fault for lying? 50% his fault? Give me your % of the blame pie, but keep in mind, last year when I was on BMG defending Romney, everyone told me how brilliant and intelligent Obama is. So what is your final blame grade for making a promise he knew was impossible to keep.
I’m not playing percentage games with you, but the President is not responsible for actions the insurance companies themselves could have taken differently if they wer actually interested in cooperating.
Are Republicans 90% at fault that people with pre-existing conditions have not been covered by health insurance since the time Democrats and Clinton last tried to reform healthcare? For how, many deaths, then, are they more than 90% at fault?
Sadly, that is quite a few people.
and cancel policies b/c they no longer comply with Obamacare standards. Did not Obama apologize to the people who lost their insurance? Or was he apologizing on behalf of the insurance companies?
Obama’s remedy to allow these policies to be extended have been rejected by state insurance commissioners as well.
I just can’t believe the gall to go on the record like 12 times, spewing the same lie, knowing he was making a promise that was “impossible” to keep. Yet, you look to throw someone else under the bus for Obama lying, and I just can’t figure out why.
Second straight year the “Lie of the Year” is a non-lie that was exploited by conservative noisemakers.
Politi-fact seems to have a Politi-agenda.