Even Jim Braude looked bored and disheveled on Broadside tonight in what was described as the only CD-05 “debate” before the special election on Tuesday, December 10, 2013.
Clark stuck with her rehearsed stump speech and played dumb perfectly to Addivinola’s only charge at her, regarding her support of AG Coakley’s surveillance bill. Addivinola stated he’s not a rubber stamp. Clark’s statement about gun control and children being killed was powerful. She came off as easier to look at with an easy name to pronounce. The video is in three parts if you care to view each segment the above link will bring you to NECN.
@3:30, part 1: “You both agree…..let’s go home then.” Braude
David says
one has the sense that the players are just going through the motions. Katherine knows she’s going to win, Frank knows he’s going to lose, and Jim is asking himself why he’s bothering since everyone knows what’s going to happen.
danfromwaltham says
Why not exempt individuals for one year? Seems fair, right? Clark came across as very arrogant in her answer, saying no to Jim’s suggestion, even with the Obamacare website not functioning and not secure, claiming we must proceed with the law.
Don’t let Katherine Clark treat individuals as second-class citizens. We are not expendable, Katherine Clark. I will vote for Frankie Baby Addivinola on Tue, I hope you do as well (if u live in the district).
methuenprogressive says
Except for Dan’s endorsement of yet another Republican, that is. Watched the program this morning, and I thought Clark looked dignified in the face of her two debate opponents, Addivinola and Braude.
Christopher says
…for the reasons suggested in this thread. The outcome isn’t in much doubt.
marthews says
…and I’m still hesitant about pulling the lever for Clark. Not that I’d ever go with Addivinola, who doesn’t seem all that on the ball anyway the whole time. But I’m going to check out Valenti a little more before making a decision.