While recognizing that TalkingPointsMemo (TPM) can be labeled a “lefty” operation I found this article by Editor Josh Marshall to be well written, factual and with links to back up his position:
It is amazing to witness the sheer depths of rage, denial and disgust many people experience as they see millions of people gaining access to affordable health care for the first time. Back on the 31st I wrote this overview which outlined how more than 9 million people now have health care coverage because of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). It now seems like the number is more like 10 million (more on that in a moment).
Take a few minutes to read the article and follow the links.
And then finally, these numbers are just more administration lies. Because, well, because. Here’s where Gaba’s spreadsheet is so helpful. It has the breakdown for private insurance and Medicaid expansion in numbers in every state with a link to an independent news source reporting the numbers.
These are the numbers. Lots of people have partisan or ideological or in many cases deeply emotional needs not to believe them. But these are the numbers.
Many people like to criticize Obamacare. But, Obamacare is actually working and it is actually helping many millions of people.
I am glad that the TPM memo speaks to the benefits of the Medicaid expansion. Obamacare is more than just a web-site.