Next month, Democratic activists will attend caucuses, and in June they will attend our state convention to nominate our candidate for governor.
I’m proud to announce today that I’m supporting Steve Grossman and plan to play an active role throughout his campaign!
In his own progressive family business and as state treasurer, Steve has demonstrated the vision and experience creating jobs and economic opportunity that we need from our governor.
We have a talented field of candidates, but what distinguishes Steve is his lifetime of leadership fighting for the values of economic fairness and equality of opportunity.
When Steve speaks about his goals for the Commonwealth, he can proudly cite his proven record of turning vision into reality.
When it comes to earned sick time, not only was Steve the first business owner in the state to testify in favor of the policy in 2006, but he offered it to every one of his colleagues for more than 25 years at his family business. By the way, that business was a union shop for 62 years.
When it comes to raising the minimum wage, Steve understands it’s good for families, good for business, and good for our Commonwealth. He learned it first hand at Grossman Marketing Group, paying his workers 30 percent more than competing companies. Early in this race, Steve took a clear, unequivocal stance opposing cuts to unemployment benefits and promising a gubernatorial veto if a bill containing these cuts came to his desk.
When it comes to equal rights for all, Steve has stood shoulder to shoulder with the LGBT community for the past 15 years. As DNC chairman, Steve created the gay and lesbian caucus in 1998. His wife Barbara was a longtime member of the MassEquality Board, and they participated actively in the fight for marriage equality.
Looking forward, Steve shares an ambitious vision for our Commonwealth, from investing in universal Pre-K to increased funding for mental health and substance abuse programs, to creating 50,000 new manufacturing jobs in five years.
I hope you’ll join me in actively supporting Steve at your caucus and on June 14 at the convention in Worcester.
Together, with your help, we can ensure that Massachusetts continues to lead our nation with bold, progressive public policy that leaves no one behind.
I can’t wait to see you out on the campaign trail soon!
As people are simultaneously trying to argue at the top of the front page that Grossman is NOT a committed advocate of gaming interests.
I guess it’s good to know where the lead authors of the casino bill are placing their chips for Governor.
So far I’ve heard two endorsements from the Senate: Chang-Diaz and Rosenberg. I’m more inclined to believe that someone working nonstop for progressive values like Chang-Diaz has a better feel for who will make progressives proud in the Governor’s office. But hey, Rosenberg’s in a position of power so that’s something?