I predicted Jeanne Shaheen will be out of the race in June, and you can take that to the bank, it’s earning interest. After the democrats ran negative ads, accusing Brown of being tied to Big Oil, Big Banks, blah blah blah, Scott Brown went from a 3 point deficit to a tie. Clearly, the voters of NH don’t eat that dog food like they do in Massachusetts. Also, Democrats didn’t help themselves by insulting Brown b/c he is from Massachussets, not a true NH resident in other words. However, something like 40% of NH voters have relocated from different parts of the country. Why a party would tick off 40% of the people is beyond me.
Inside the poll, Brown has a lead with Independents and a huge lead the male vote. He is trailing with the women voters, but once they realize Brown is more liberal on social issues, that will narrow for sure.
True, the realities of Obamacare is hurting Shaheen, but her re-election may have been shattered at the SOTU when Obama turned into a bully, threatening to use his pen and just bypass Congress, and simply issue executive orders. Of course, this contradicts what candidate Obama said about executive orders issued by Bush, but let that go.
Unlike some states (waving at you Massachusetts) where the majority of the voters want to be told how to live, what to think, when they should drive vs taking public transit, where to go send their kids to school, and why paying more taxes is a good thing, the cradle to grave nanny state mentality in other words, NH still has on their license plates “Live Free or Die”. There is a tremendous independence streak still alive in NH, shrinking for sure, but still alive, and I believe, will elect an independent voice in Scott Brown.
I could not be more proud of NH.
chrismatth says
I’m kind of shocked to see you launching an attack on Scott Brown’s 2012 strategy. Glad to see you’ve seen the light.
mike_cote says
HR's Kevin says
We know you have a huge man crush on Scott Brown, but I don’t know why you think anyone else should care.
shillelaghlaw says
I think you’re looking for Blue Hampshire. Maybe they’ll find it interesting, but as for Massachusetts, this story is only tangentially relevant to us.
kirth says
Scott Brown is kind of an archetype of the guy who drags his family off to NH to ‘live free’ or die.
jconway says
Must be a slow day at Boston magazine since he is pimping the Brown 2016 narrative pretty hard.
fenway49 says
Talk about a guy who wouldn’t be able to take the scrutiny.
SomervilleTom says
I think Mr. Bernstein is on the right track.
I think he missed an angle, though. Scott Brown is married to a media personality. Scott Brown thinks of himself as a media personality, and has a gig at Faux News already.
If Mr. Brown tries and fails at a run for the Presidency — even twice — he can look forward to a long and lucrative career as talking head and political analyst.
I think a Presidential run makes more sense to him than running for a NH Senate seat, and is more consistent with Mr. Brown’s delusional sense of self-importance.
danfromwaltham says
Oh he’s running and based on how great of shape he is in, I don’t blame him going shirtless. Look at those pecks! I had those when I was 20, but at his age…amazing.
Scott participated in the Penguin Plunge to benefit the Special Olympics New Hampshire.