I suggest that people in 5 Middlesex, Katherine Clark’s old district, support Jason Lewis in the March 4th primary and the April 1st general election. Jason, currently a state rep for Winchester and Stoneham, is seeking Katherine Clarke’s old seat representing Malden, Melrose, Reading and Wakefield.
I met Jason recently and he seems to have bona-fides as a progressive.
The main opposition is Christopher Fallon, currently state rep from part of the same area. While Chris has worked on some progressive issues, he’s been really poor on others. In his campaign literature and statements, Chris positions himself as ‘independent the issues’ – meaning he supported Scott Brown against Elizabeth Warren, and Richard Tisei against Katherine Clark. Chris’s recent statement in the local Malden Observer on reducing homelessness is that he supports getting people out of motels and into shelters; I would suggest to the august Representative that shelters are not family-friendly environments, but affordable subsidized housing is. Chris reminds me of Joe Lieberman.
This election is a good example of a progressive challenging a DINO at the local level. Let’s make sure Lewis has a future, if he want, even further up.
May I see your passport, please…
jconway says
With Anthony LaGuardia also running, and as progressive as Lewis, would they split the vote allowing Fallon to sneak in? I’ve heard good things about both progressive but would hope that Fallon doesn’t get in at any cost.
I’ll be following this race so I can tell me parents and brother and sister-in-law who to vote for (gotta remind them to register in Wakefield too).
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
so it’s like that, aye? Do as brother j tells us.
You are the boss of your family. To tell them what to think. You control these four votes in Wakefield.
That Sir, tills the soil for the seeds from which fascism grows.
And I for one want no part of this world order you seek j.
No siree.
jconway says
They just moved there and don’t know there is a special election, I would tell them to register and tell them who they should vote for-and they are always free to tell me to buzz off (and they frequently have!)
abs0628 says
Speaking as an active progressive Democrat in 5th Middlesex (sadly, Chris Fallon is my state rep), I wanted to offer some perspective on this race…
I finally heard Anthony Guardia speak recently at an event in Malden and I gotta tell you, he seems like a very nice guy with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and I give him credit for being super involved in local campaigns and local government, especially at such a young age — but I was not alone at this event in feeling quite underwhelmed by his presentation. Guardia appeared at an event in Melrose last night, along with Chris Fallon and Jason Lewis, and from what I’ve heard from friends who were there, the reaction to Guardia by many of the folks there was similar to mine.
I honestly don’t see the evidence that Guardia is a strong progressive — and I genuinely don’t see the evidence that he’s a solid serious candidate at this time. Especially compared with Jason Lewis, on both counts.
Check out the issues pages of their respective websites — I think the contrast is pretty stark:
There are HUGE gaping holes in Guardia’s website. He’s had weeks, months even, to develop a solid platform — but he hasn’t. The election is in 6 weeks! The content of his current website is basically recycled from when he ran for state rep — I know because I read through his state rep website a few weeks ago because it was all I could find online about him, despite the fact that rumors were swirling that he was considering a run for this seat.
He’s running against Chris Fallon who is 100% anti-choice (despite his recent claims to the contrary) — but Guardia has nothing on his website about abortion rights (!) — and nothing on over a dozen other key progressive issues — health care, civil rights, LGBT rights, taxes/revenue, transportation, infrastructure, campaign finance, and I could go on. How is one to judge whether or not he’s a progressive if he can’t bother to put together a public platform?
In contrast, Jason Lewis has put together a solid, comprehensive progressive platform and a very serious campaign plan. He’s got a strong progressive voting record in the state legislature, as well –> http://www.repjasonlewis.com
Saying you’re a strong progressive is one thing. Proving it to me is another. And saying you’re a serious candidate who’s put together a solid campaign plan, and reached out to activists in the district across the spectrum is one thing. But the proof is in actions — and Guardia hasn’t done that either. In contrast, Jason has, and I know this based on his actions, not just his assertions. One of these candidates has the progressive chops and seriousness to take on Chris Fallon, and one, imo, does not, especially given the tight timeline.
I would really encourage folks who live in 5th Middlesex, and folks who know voters in the district, to do their due diligence in this race. Because, believe me, Chris Fallon getting promoted to the state senate would be a disaster. Exhibit A:
We cannot afford to split the progressive vote in this primary. But we don’t have to because, frankly, there’s really only one serious progressive candidate running.
You can find out more about Jason and how to get involved with the campaign here –> http://electjasonlewis.com
robmlev says
State Rep Jason Lewis (Winchester, Stoneham) is the environmental candidate for the Democratic Primary Vote March 4th. Jason Lewis has been endorsed by the MA League of Environmental Voters.
I got a chance to talk with Jason on my internet talk radio show Moir’s Environmental Dialogues Ocean River Shields of Achilles. As a member of the Winchester MA Finance Committee, Jason Lewis noted that solid waste management was a big expense and because his number one concern is global warming knew recycling most be more of the waste stream. Rep Lewis has filed a bill on Beacon Hill to reduce solid waste, increase recycle and reduce municipal costs.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Bill has five components. First each municipality will have its own performance goals to bring each community up to a better level respectful of how some communities have more challenges than other. Second, the bill has a waste ban of items that must be recycled. Paper is currently too much of the waste stream and should be recycled to a greater degree. Third, the bill strengthens oversight of waste haulers. Waste haulers must be registered with the DEP. From the hauler perspective they are not subjected to patchwork, city by city, requirements. State certification of trash haulers levels the play field when bidding for contracts.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Bill’s fourth component collects and reports data on what is being disposed of and whether progress is being made towards zero waste. Finally, money is an issue due to the additional work required by all. A Zero Waste Fund would be funded by fees and assessments as well as a new surcharge of $1.50 for each ton of solid waste disposed of. The fund will assist smaller municipalities to step up to the levels of recycling accomplished by larger urban communities.
Jason Lewis, cosponsor of a many green bills, would like to step up to the Senate for seat vacated by Katherine Clark. Lewis’s main Democrat opponent, Chris Fallon, gained notoriety for supporting Scott Brown against Elizabeth Warren, and recently Richard Tisei against Katherine Clark.
While Lewis has raised ten times the money raised by Fallon, I worry about the primary election. Lewis represents Winchester where many driveways are longer than the distances in Malden, Fallon’s urban core, from front door to polling place. Fallon has fire fighters and steel workers contributors, groups known good at turning out the vote.
Jason Lewis is a blue green hero deserving of your vote – but progressives must vote to be represented on Beacon Hill.
The Primary Election will be March 4th.