I apologize half-heartedly for plugging Left Ahead shows. We’d chatted with three Dem candiates so far — Steve Grossman, Juliette Kayyem and Don Berwick. Joe Avallone has not followed up and Martha Coakley has pushed us out to April. On the GOP side, Charlie Baker’s people have not responded; Republicans don’t seem to have a lot of guts. We’ll keep asking.
Meanwhile, you can get more of a sense of the three so far. The links on the candidates’ names above are to the Left Ahead posts, replete with players for the half-hour shows with an option to download the MP3 file.
Oh, what the heck. I’ll save you the trouble and embed players for the three here. These are different angles on progressive politics.
Steve Grossman
Juliette Kayyem
Don Berwick
Did you question Falchuk or McCormick?
…for the indies
Can I ask a question that I should know the answer to? Is it too late for another candidate to get into this race? I understand that getting in late creates problems with delegates, etc., but is there some bar to joining the race at this, or some later, point? What’s the latest someone could get in? Sorry for all the questions, but I know the BMG faithful will know the answer.
I thought that the state Democratic Party had a Feb. 2 deadline to run people in the caucuses and be eligible for the party’s endorsement at the convention, but state law says candidates who file signatures with the registrar by early May and file with the Soc by early June can be considered at the convention for a spot on the primary ballot.
there seem to be quite a few uncommitted delegates coming out of the caucuses this year, which would seem to leave some room for a convention surprise.
…when at least from what I can tell, nobody had a real GOTV operation for the caucuses this year. All I saw were emails with links you could click to commit your support. They all pale in comparison to the operation Deval Patrick had in 2006.
For independent Gov candidates, they have until March 4th to pick up nomination papers. They have until July 29th to hand in the papers and signatures. That would be 10,000 sigs.
Sec’y Galvin’s site has all the regs.
…you can also get on the convention ballot with 500 delegate signatures. I think this is how Chris Gabrieli got in last minute in 2006.
My recollection is that Gabrieli got his 15% of the vote at the State Convention, partly due to help from Tom Reilly (who endorsed Ted Baker in 2010) who wanted a 3rd candidate on the primary ballot.
but the point here is that he got on the convention ballot at all despite having not declared by the deadline and competed in the caucuses. Lot of good Gabrieli’s presence did Reilly. Patrick got the nomination anyway and Gabrieli, but not Reilly, showed up at Patrick’s primary night party to congratulate him.
(It’s Charlie Baker, BTW)
candidate. As the last Irishman standing, he acted like he owned the nomination. Then there was the Killer Coke smear campaign dogging Deval Patrick about his work for Coca Cola. It turned out that Reilly was working with them.
I was reading through old BMG diaries on the subject, many by BMG long gone. There are some funny interactions between David and Ernie Boch the Third.
It wasn’t hard to get me to look more closely at Deval Patrick since I was looking for someone a little more interesting.
Mark, I just stumbled on your comment and it brought back memories of my first diary on BMG in September 2006 (about Patrick’s outsider role to the next-in-line Reilly). Forgive my hubris, but I thought it was pretty good, and a bit prescient.
I don’t know how to link it, but it was titled “Who Doesn’t Want Change in Massachusetts?”