I can’t believe this hasn’t yet earned a post on this site – it was front paged at DKos earlier today and I only just now got home from a long work day followed by a candidates forum for our upcoming town election. Scott Brown decided to address the carpetbagging issue today with the silliest response he could possibly come up with:
“Do I have the best credentials? Probably not. ‘Cause, you know, whatever. But I have long and strong ties to this state,” he told The Associated Press. “People know.”
Yes, Scott, people know – people know you’re an empty suit and a fraud, more adept at posing naked for Cosmo than actually doing anything, you know, useful. The Legend of Scott Brown (R-Bqhatevwr) lives on!!
More from Big Story:
Inside the Red Arrow, Brown claimed a stool at the counter next to Pratt. As he waited for his breakfast, Pratt vowed not to vote for Shaheen. But she also pointedly questioned Brown’s devotion to New Hampshire. Behind him, 71-year-old Manchester resident Connie Antoniou whispered, “I wish the Massachusetts people would stay in Massachusetts.”
Brown told Pratt that “carpetbagger is a derogatory term” in New Hampshire given that roughly 60 percent of its people were born elsewhere, including the current and former Democratic governors. Gov. Maggie Hassan moved to the state in 1989. Shaheen, who was born in Missouri, has lived in New Hampshire for more than 40 years.
“Sen. Shaheen is not from here, but apparently it’s a problem with me?” Brown asked during a brief interview outside the diner.
Does he really need someone to explain to him that setting down roots for 17 years before running for office, then working your way up to governor and then senator is quite different from owning a vacation home and trying to carpetbag your way to high office? I guess not. Bqhatevwr!!
If all the “Massachusetts people” had stayed in Massachusetts, I have no doubt that 71-year-old Connie Antoniou would not be a Manchester resident. Unless she were lucky enough to live in Manchester-by-the-Sea, of course.
Personally, I am grateful that NH is there to accept those able to convince themselves it’s a better place to live. The people I’ve known who made that move did not result in a net loss for MA. Case in point: Scott Brown.
It’s one thing if Brown moves to NH even five years ago and was now running for the first time, but he just lost an election somewhere else and is now moving to a slightly more electorally advantageous situation. This reminds me of that rich Romney clone who ran against Lehaybabd lost in the GOP primary to old celebrity Fred Tuttle who infamously asked him “how many teets on a Holstein?” and gave the wrong answer. Brown will continue to sound petulant, confuse towns, and lose easy trivial questions like that. And his national career and future ambitions along with it. Still donating to Shaheen is the best way to win!
And now all of a sudden, one has to have “roots” for x amount of time, before they can represent a state.
Tell ya what Johnt001, why don’t we compare the water bills of Scott Brown’s NH home to Mularchy’s Malden home. Would that be an indication of how much time one spends in the community? Hey, I just flushed my toilet, I used more water than Ed did in 6 months.
Of course, Johnt001 and others, are itching to vote for Hillary (D-Goldman Sachs) who moved to NY and immediately ran for a senate seat, and now poised to run for POTUS, but let that go.
If NH wants a senator that votes like a Maaschusetts liberal, 98% of the time with Barak Obama (D-You can keep your h/c plan), then they should vote for Jeanne Shaheen (D-Obamacare #1 Fan). I believe “Live Free or Die” still means something in NH, and they will embrace an honest guy who never forgot his roots (working class) nor lies about his ancestors to get a leg up on other Americans (Hi Oklahoma Liz), and word is as solid as oak.
Due to all the punctuation errors and basic mistakes, I would argue that in the case of Bobby Kennedy he had long roots in New York (they actually grew up there more than in Brookline, and Jack got hit with the carpetbagger charge that he was a New Yorker when he ran for his congressional seat), and in the case of Hillary the voters didn’t seem to care overwhelmingly electing her over Long Island native and general putz Rick Lazio.
It seems that Granite Staters do care, including many of the conservatives and independents you claim to represent.
And if trade is so important to you why are you backing pro-free trade pro-TPP Scott Brown over anti TPP Shaheen?
I’ve read this argument here before about pols who move in order to run, so I guess I agree, let the voters decide and drop the carpetbagger talk.
And that’s something Scotto didn’t anticipate.
Scott Brown as quoted says exactly the opposite: I’m “probably not” the most qualified but vote for anyway me because I am from here*
*(for some definition of the words “from here”)
I used to be a NH voter. You can believe they will make up their own minds.
Why are people so shocked by Brown’s comment? It is patently obvious if the voters of NH based their preference on a candidate solely on what state their primary residence has been over the years, then Brown clearly is not the best qualified. Is it that shocking when a politician states the obvious?
Massachusetts has three senators now, Liz Warren, Ed Markey, and Jeanne Shaheen. All 3 vote the same, talk the same, act the same, etc. So, if NH wants Massachusetts to continue to have 3 senators, then they should vote for Shaheen. But if NH wants someone who will never toe the party line, then NH can vote for Brown.
Live free or die with Scott Brown or Spirit of Massachusetts with Jeanne Shaheen? Which is it NH?
Fact check: Scott Brown actually did lie about his ancestors.
Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Far far cry from checking a box and claiming preferred hiring treatment.
What I found interesting after reading your link is that Scott Brown earned a 3.5 GPA from Tufts Univ. Yet Johnt001 calls him an empty suit and nobody challenges him on it.
He couldn’t even be the ’41st’ vote against Obamacare. His record is as hollow as his rhetoric or newfound love of New Hampshire. Frankly, were I a supporter I’d be outraged he wasn’t running in Massachusetts. I am surprised at the crickets over at RMG. Were I Charlie Baker or Kristin Hughes I’d have publicly bashed him for doing so. I won’t be voting for Baker or Tisei but at least they have the guts to keep fighting for the MA Republican Party. Had Warren lost and moved to ME to run against Collins I’d be signing the exact same tune.
OMG, I thank every day that Brown became #41 b/c his election stopped Cap and Tax from passing in the Senate. As you recall, Pelosi and the Dems passed the tax on energy in 2009. If Coakley had won, the Dems would have had 60 votes and that scheme would be law today and Al Gore (D-Limo Driving Carbon Polluting Hypocrite) would be a billionaire.
JC, not to change topics, you live in Illinois, amirite? You should look at the Rep nominee for governor, he wants to mirror himself after Scott Walker. You have a great race shaping up there.
These are his accomplishments. Great.
You would like Bruce Rauner another union busting billionaire trying to pass himself off as a working stiff.
Of course those teacher union government schools were good enough for his daughter who he bribed into one of the elite schools in Chicago in spite of living in Winnetka.
(A Boston comparison would be a Wellesley resident clouting their way into Boston Latin)
Brown is probably very busy right now coming up with some moniker he perceives as negative that he can call Sen. Shaheen. You know, something catchy like sniffing down your nose and calling Elizabeth Warren, “Professor,” because some idiotic Republican strategist told him that real conservatives hate university professors because they are academics. Instead, it just reminded everyone how much smarter Warren is than poor little Scotty B.
Video here.