This news is not all that surprising:
Report clears agent who shot Todashev.
Of course, those of us in the regular world have to choose between two equally disheartening interpretations of this event: that it was part of a conspiracy, or that our FBI continues to hire and protect staggeringly incompetent law-enforcement officials.
I think we need a Congressional investigation- let’s have all these agents (and the police and DA’s who investigated the original Waltham murders) tell their stories on C-Span.
Please share widely!
Takes a closer look at the nearly 100% “justified” rulings by Massachusetts DAs when cops kill.
What is going on? Do we really know?
Do our aspiring statewide candidates know what their positions are on this matter that seems to have become more apparent?
Why worry?
The question mark in the subject line is extraneous.
The security/intelligence forces have taken the role of Rome’s Lucius Aelius Sejanus. There is no check on them. “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”
And, is not congress in the bag for the wealthy few? How would a congressional investigation fare?
“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. –Aldous Huxley
I thought that could be changed- sorry Howlandlewnatick.
An unarmed suspect is being “interrogated” in his home while in the custody of the FBI and Massachusetts state troopers, and that suspect is killed in a fusillade of gunfire. Did anybody think this “investigation” would come back with anything except a total exoneration of the FBI?
This man was executed. We will never know why, although the speculations about his knowledge of government “cooperation” with the perpetrators of the marathon bombing is at the top of my list of explanations.
It is significant, to me, that Massachusetts state troopers were present. That’s why the AG’s office has a role in this investigation.
I would hope that the AG is as horrified and disgusted by this execution as I am. I, so far, see no evidence of that.
Aafia Siddiqui was imprisoned, tried in the press unsuccessfully, tortured (and some say her small children in front of her) and the government got nothing for their efforts. Then the story goes that while being interrogated by a group of law enforcement professionals, she grabs a machine gun and misses all the “good guys”. She is shot in this story but goes to prison for close to a gazillion years where she won’t be telling any stories soon. Neither will Todashev…
In a high profile case like this will the prosecution allow Tsarnaev to speak? Will he be suicided? Interesting times?
“Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.” –Noam Chomsky
A rush to judgement by those decrying a perceived rush to judgement?
Originally they reported that both investigations had cleared the agents. We’ll see on Tuesday, I guess.
I don’t know about any rush.
I see no indication that our Attorney General has any interest in pursuing the role that Massachusetts state troopers played in this apparent execution.
. . .who the troopers are, what their record is and what their status is.
Are they on leave? Are there precautions being taken so that they do not have an opportunity to coordinate their testimony?
All the media “investigations” so far have focused on the background of the victim.
Were these troopers already involved with the bombing investigation? Were they chosen at random? Did they volunteer?
Have any of these troopers worked with the FBI in the past? Are there personal or professional relationships between the troopers and the FBI agent(s) involved?
Let me pose a question for EB3 and others who follow the Whitey Bulger case more carefully than I — What questions should concerned citizens have demanded answers to during the early years of Mr. Bulger’s apparent involvement with authorities?
Are there learnings from the Bulger case that we should be applying here?
Case closed? A pretty implausible scenario, but the world will probably never know the truth.