The press release put out by the “South Boston Allied War Veterans Council” – the outfit that operates the (in)famous South Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade – is an amazing thing. I’m reprinting it here, in full, without editing. I have added emphasis.
6 March 2014
We would like to thank all of you who took the time to write letters, faxes and phone calls in support of our recent decision to deny the application submitted to us by LGBT Veterans for Equality. It became evident to us we were being misled by them and that is where negotiations ended. We have always tried to keep things on an even Kiel with regard to our changing community and political correctness. “Do not be fooled by the Trojan Horse”. Indeed all things are not what they seem. The Council has learned this the hard way. We’re not perfect, we’re a group of volunteers that love this parade. We appreciate your continued support in lieu of the derogatory correspondence some of you received as a plot to circumvent donations greatly needed to finance this parade. As you know, this parade is funded by our community and our corporate sponsors. We will not allow anyone to express harmful or inappropriate messages. This was a decision we made for the good of this parade.
Keep in mind, we are approached by all types of groups. Some of which try to destroy the integrity of not only this parade, but our faith, this town and our Country. And to those we say, “No!, stay home, Not in my town” Rest assured, we will continue to exclude anyone that tries to compromise the public’s enjoyment of this parade. We strive to host the largest and most entertaining parade anywhere. We are broadcast on live television, and draw crowds that exceed one million people.
We are tough proud South Bostonians, with deep scars from controversy that dates back decades. Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of our Irish. We love our parade. This parade is a chance for all to join together and celebrate the love of friends, family, and the faith of our community. We invite all to join us to celebrate this historic event, but we must maintain our guidelines to insure the enjoyment and public safety of our spectators.See you all on the 16th of March.
“We’ll take you, and break you, but never forsake you, in Southie Our Hometown”
Sincerely Yours,The Council
My biggest question about this: who are these groups whose goal is “to destroy the integrity of not only this parade, but our faith, this town and our Country”? Surely, the FBI or other authorities should be alerted to the presence of such nefariousness operating in our own community with such brazenness as to apply for admission to a parade!
Really, though, the document speaks for itself. And not in a good way. Glad to see that even a Southie stalwart like Congressman Steve Lynch has had just about enough, and seems unlikely to show up next weekend.
Shouldn’t that word be keel and why is it capitalized, unless there is a Gaelic pun I’m missing?:)
to the city of Kiel, well known to players of Diplomacy as the site of a canal connecting the North Sea to the Baltic.
The Battle for Jutland is a good opening move presuming Anglo-French cooperation which is difficult to maintain. I prefer the Lepanto opening myself, though it’s usually anticipated by experienced players.
For those who haven’t seen it: World War I explained as a bar fight. Funny enough to let the egregious grammatical mistake in the title slide.
And it really hits the American involvement quite accurately. Wilson was a nerd out of his league.
the very tall actor who appeared in several James Bond movies…
I’m guessing that lack of support for the Iraq War, in the view of this august body from Southie and Schleswig-Holstein, risks the destruction of the U.S.
What a bunch of dinosaurs. Can another group in Southie start an alternative parade to put these yahoos out of business?
This statement sure seems to be trying to end negotiations. Can’t make Walsh or Lynch very happy with their work trying to cut a deal.
Labels and banners and signs…designating, dividing and diminishing what could be just a celebration for everyone to enjoy. We are a nation of immigrants and each ethnic group celebrates and pays homage to the ancestors who brought their families to America. On Columbus Day in Revere, everyone is Italian for a day. In Watertown, the Armenian community honors its heritage. In Worcester and Holyoke and Boston, the Irish ancestors of famine fleeing immigrants honor their lineage. If a celebration parade is being diminished by the banners, labels and signs…don’t have any!
Anyone who feels the desire/need/compulsion to march down a street behind a band waving to the sidewalk on-lookers, should just step off the curb and get in line and start walking and waving. No labels, no banners, no signs, no advertising…just people of every/any type coming TOGETHER to celebrate. Wouldn’t that be better?
“well, maybe we just shouldn’t have civil marriage for anyone!”
If a gay Irish veteran wants to hold a sign saying he’s a gay Irish veteran at the parade, there is nothing divisive or diminishing to others about it, but it is greatly affirming to he or she to be recognized in the community for their traits.
Yes, according to the official parade website, Samuel Adams Beer is a major sponsor of the Parade.
Here’s how to send that beer company a message: I went to Samuel Adams’ website and found that they have a “contact us” page–here is the link.
So, why don’t let them know what you think about corporations that sponsor events like the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston?
But I think right now people should be polite and informative in their messages, so instead of taking a “WE’RE NEVER GOING TO DRINK SAM’S AGAIN!” approach, take more of a
“I recently read that Sam Adams is sponsoring the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston this year. Did you know that this parade is organized by a group that won’t let LGBT organizations march, including those representing LGBT veterans? I find this very disconcerting, especially since so many LGBT friends of mine care about this issue and are fans of Sam Adams’s products.
We hope that Sam Adams will withhold future sponsorship of this parade until the organizers make sure it’s fully inclusive. We must all stand up against discrimination.
Anyone can feel free to use that quote if they want to send in an email.