Steven Brion-Meisels, 64 years old, has passed away after a long illness. Mr. Brion-Meisels dedicated his career and personal life to teaching peacemaking, opposing war, and fund-raising for social justice issues.
“The traditional language about cancer is full of battle metaphors — and more importantly, battle emotions and responses,” he wrote in a November 2012 e-mail to update friends about his health. “As I reflect on the power of peacemaking, on my Buddhist reading, and on my own need to place this experience in a positive frame, I will continue to work to leave behind that language.”
Working with students and pupils from college age to kindergarten, he taught for nearly four decades at places including the Cambridge Public School District and a humanistic Judaic Sunday school, Lesley University, and the Judge Baker Children’s Center. Always participating as a fund-raiser, he ran the Boston Marathon 29 times, stopping along the route to kiss his wife and daughters.