Apparently Republican gubernatorial hopeful, Charlie Baker, forgot to register his domain name. Fortunately, I snagged it up.
Now mind you, Baker is running a fairly competitive race in liberal Massachusetts. As such, he’s taken pains to paint himself as a moderate. Of course, the 7 or so TEA baggers we have in Massachusetts aren’t exactly pleased by this. So I figured, let’s do a little PR for Baker…you know, really help him expand his appeal to the lunatic right.
While we’re at it, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea getting as popular as we can, particularly with popular search engines.
I’m open to any ideas and would love any help.
Any interest?
Please share widely!
Maybe they’re just placeholders, but unless you know those people with those names, you might have some trouble with that.
What’s so fake about Berry Dingle? I have a very great friend in Rome called Berry Dingle.
Berry Dingle.
like these kind of things. : )
satire is always welcome in a campaign.
It’s hard to tell from the website.
Charlie Baker should get the endorsement of the Pop ‘n Fresh Doughboy.
I don’t think it would be too hard to turn this into a website praising Baker as “The conservative Republican Massachusetts needs”. “We need a governor who will stand shoulder to shoulder with Chris Christie, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker in taking on unions, abortion rights, and the environmental movement, etc”
Just find their common ground, and layer on pictures of Rubio, Christie, PErry, etc.