Daily Kos front pager Laura Clawson has a post on the peculiar and diffident approach that Scott Brown seems to be taking to his run for the U.S. Senate in New Hampshire: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/05/13/1299057/-Scott-Brown-makes-peculiar-appearance-at-New-Hampshire-candidate-forum .
He’s just not into being Senator from New Hampshire apparently or else he realizes that Jeanne Shaheen is not really vulnerable to his challenge.
Please share widely!
(1) The not-former-enough Senator Brown declines to participate in a candidate forum due to a “scheduling conflict” but then shows up anyway! He appears in the audience for 5 minutes during which time the moderators try to figure out how to include him. Then he’s gone.
(2) There’s the amusing story about Senator Anti-Obamacare meeting Republican State Representative Richardson for whom the ACA was a financial lifesaver.
(3) When asked about concerns about being a cartpetbagger, he opines, “Do I have the best credentials? Probably not. ‘Cause, you know, whatever. But I have long and strong ties to this state.” So voters should elect the under-qualified former Senator from Massachusetts because of his close ties to New Hampshire. He certainly knows how to campaign!
(4) Finally, Mr Brown, formerly good at fundraising, has raised a mere $275,000. Senator Shaheen continues to lead him there.
Could I put in a plug for Senator Kay Hagan from North Carolina? She has soft favorables. She is running against a lunatic. The polls are close. Extremely close. RCP puts her at +0.2%. Your donations to Hagan can have a significant impact on the future balance of power in the Senate. The GOP and its money men are going to pour funds into that race. Additionally, she is running for the ACA. So you can donate without feeling as if you’re supporting an unreliable Democrat.
Sen. Hagen is a keeper, let me explain. She touts her strong support for the 2nd Amendment, Hagen voted against a bill banning high capacity magazines of over 10 bullets and voted yes to allow people bring their firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak. Why can’t we have a senator like Kay Hagen in Massachusetts?
There’s more! Sen. Hagen supports construction of Keystone XL and is calling on Obama to get off his duff and give the green light to this jobs project.
So yes, please donate to Sen. Hagen
There’s only one thing I could add:
Donate to Jeanne Shaheen here!
After 35 years of service, Scott retired with the rank of colonel. “At the retirement ceremony, he received the Legion of Merit medal and the Maryland Distinguished Service Cross.” It’s no wonder Scott’s campaign events have not gone off perfectly all the time, he has a lot going on..,
I hope the entire BMG community recommends my comment and acknowledge Scott’s service and dedication to our country. May your service continue this November for the good folks of NH.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/scott-brown-army-national-guard-reserves-106644.html#ixzz31eIsty9q
Is he gonna run there too?
It’s funny how we’re supposed to think that his retiring from a part-time job means Brown “has a lot going on.”
Now it’s it’s little more that a participation ribbon.
That I have met him on numerous occasions and even I think he’s not right. His skills in front of a group are great, but one on one he’s a little odd.
One of them was tubing at Amesbury Sports Park…..and he wasn’t campaigning, he was tubing with his wife Gail. I almost didn’t think it was him it was so odd.