Don has the kind of charisma that our other two candidates, though good individuals, do not possess. It is a quiet charisma that inspires trust and confidence. While listening to the speech I was also thinking of Gandhi, a lawyer who became a spiritual and political leader because of the demand of his times, but who did live long enough to see his vision come to fruition. And maybe Pope Francis, also long lived who has said, get rid of the mansion and the popemobile, let me touch the people, let me be me! So too Don, the visionary, the healer, the “improver,” as he calls himself, who has reached the wisdom years and has already seen bold goals come to fruition wants to eschew the caution and equivocation of most politicians and, like Elizabeth Warren, to be his authentic self. We find this so refreshing because we hunger for leaders running for office because they feel called to serve, because of the fierce urgency of the times. Yes, those who are not afraid to take bold action and speak truth to power.
So here in Massachusetts where the American experiment began, where Emerson wrote of the shot heard round the world, perhaps Berwick’s convention speech will be the speech “heard round the Commonwealth.” A speech that calls us to put Love, Justice and Equality at the center of our politics! A speech which could then be heard around the nation and the world as we here in Massachusetts lead the way and expand this vision which is so needed if we are to save our fragile planet from climate change and the scourges of poverty, war and inequity. So let’s all lace up our walking shoes, get out there and knock doors, make calls, send emails and spread the word about Don’s campaign every day between now and the September 9 primary and then on to victory in November. DONward to the corner office!
Here is a link to a video at Youtube though the sound quality is not the best. … #magov #mapoli
Video, with good audio quality, here:
The audio fails after 21 seconds, before Dr. Berwick starts to speak.
God. You forgot “God”…
These great leaders were all imperfect human beings who allowed the spirit of love, justice and truth to direct their path and call them to action.
When I gathered signatures for Don, I was struck by how many folks who knew him and had worked with him over the years, used words like “miracle worker,” “giant of his field,” “world class,” and other such superlatives to describe him. I have volunteered in his campaign now for many months and I too can attest that Don is an amazingly gifted person on a mission for our Commonwealth and that is why he is drawing so much support in his run for Governor and why I am confident that it will continue to grow.
I wouldn’t put him in the same category as those orators-but I will say he has a proud commitment to the social justice issues that once defined our party and can define them again. For that reason, he does share the same values as Bobby, Martin, and Francis. Frankly he is the only candidate who would past the ‘Francis test’-clearly linking social problems and lack of community cohesion to income inequality.
While Don Berwick is Jewish, he has proudly embraced many of the traditions associated with Catholic Social Teaching-focus on the community not the self, focus on our mutual obligations to one another, focus on improving the health and welfare of the average person, and focus on ensuring businesses conduct themselves ethically and for the common good. We could use more, not less of these values in public life.