Martha Coakley’s campaign just posted this on their Facebook page.
I suspect it was scheduled, but, come on, be on top of things, especially today, with that other thing that happened.*
Martha was the first Attorney General in the country to challenge the Defense of Marriage Act. And one year ago today, the Supreme Court struck down DOMA.
*The other thing being the Supreme Court striking down the Massachusetts Reproductive Health Clinic Buffer Zone, which Martha Coakley was intimately involved with.
I had trouble embedding the photo, so I just linked to the FB post.
Please share widely!
…that she would play up the case that went her way? She could get some mileage out of saying she fought the good fight on buffer zones, but I suspect this week she’s especially reluctant to mention another court case she lost.
She had a splendid opportunity to talk about the Court’s wrongheadedness, and to say that she’d get to work immediately with lawmakers to draft the strongest replacement legislation that the Supreme’s roadmap allows. I can’t believe she hasn’t — or won’t have, by the time I post this. It’s likely an accident — as doubleman says, it was probably a scheduled post — but the timing and optics are terrible. Not saying anything about the breaking news, while celebrating the DOMA anniversary, looks worse than being silent on both.
There could have been another post by now.
Berwick has posted. Grossman is watching the US game.
This is an opportunity for Coakley to indicate what she will do — and what she believes the next AG should do — to protect clinics and their patients in the wake of the Supreme Court decision.
Indeed, this is a unique opportunity to show why being AG matters, and to demonstrate full-throated support for the rights of women.
The post could have been something like “I disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, but I am absolutely committed to ensuring safe access to these clinics and as Governor, I will…”
I just got an email from Coakley:
For the record, I’m with Berwick – but at least Coakley is getting out in front of this.
This just landed in my inbox: