The Massachusetts Democratic Party’s convention is tonight and tomorrow, as you probably know. BMG’s Worcester bureau has sprung into action to ensure that you don’t miss a thing. At least, a thing that we thought was worth tweeting. Charley is there tonight, and I’ll be there tomorrow. UPDATE: sadly, real life having intervened, I am not able to make it to Worcester for Saturday’s festivities. So I am adjusting the Twitter feed to show all tweets using the convention’s official hashtag (#demvention), since Twitter is probably the best way to keep abreast of breaking developments (this will result in the occasional troll tweet sneaking in, but it’s still the best way to stay up to date).
Tweets about “#demvention”
Convention Twitter feed
Please share widely!
From the rafters
Avellone 5
Berwick 43
Coakley 36
Grossman 39
Kayyem 5
Arena-DeRosa 5
Cheung 17
Lake 49
Kerrigan 57
Healey 68
Tolman 59
Conroy 81
Feingold 25
Goldberg 21
Section 218 still sucks. Worst seats in the hall.