As is my custom, I have prepared a summary of delegate information. The most popular section is the summary of welcome events. Years ago as folks traveled from party to part, people used to wave pieces of paper at me and say, “I have my Dispatch.” Now they wave their smart phones. There is good information on the MDP website, but I try to capture the most pertinent information here.
Here’s a preview of the official schedule:
4:00 PM Registration & exhibits open
6:00 PM Call to Order
6:20 PM Remarks from Congressman McGovern
6:30 PM Senator Elizabeth Warren
7:00 PM Nominations of Sen. Markey, Secretary Galvin and Auditor Bump
7:30 PM Governor Deval Patrick to address the convention
07:00 AM Registration & exhibits open
09:00 AM Convention called to order – opening ceremonies
10:00 AM Attendance Roll Call
– Treasurer
– AG
– LG
– Governor
Results of balloting announced
If necessary, voting for a second ballot commences
Call for motion to adjourn
Fri. 6:30 pm Steve Kerrigan, Hilton Garden Inn, 35 Major Taylor Blvd
Fri. 7 pm Steve Grossman, Union Station, 2 Washington Square
Fri. 7 pm Worcester Firefighters, Pepe’s, 274 Franklin Street
Fri. 7:30 pm Leland Cheung, Viva Bene, 144 Commercial Street
Fri. 7:30 to 10:30 Warren Tolman, Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Garden Room AB, 35 Major Taylor Blvd.
Fri. 7:30 to 11 pm Maura Healey, Hilton Garden Inn, 35 Major Taylor Blvd
Fri. 7:30 to 11 pm BluFund Launch Party, Uno Pizzeria Patio, 25 Major Taylor Blvd
Fri. 8 pm Joe Avellone, Viva Bene, 144 Commercial Street
Fri. 8 to 10 pm Celebrate Diversity, The Banquet Room at the Marriott Hotel, 72 Grove Street
Fri. 8 to 11 pm Mike Lake, Citizen Wine Bar, 1 Exchange Place
Fri. 8 to 11 pm Don Berwick, Fiddler’s Green, 19 Temple St
Fri. 8:30 pm Sen. Markey, Secretary Galvin, Auditor Bump at Maxwell Silverman’s, 25 Union St.
Fri. 9 pm Host Committee, Mezcal, 30 Major Taylor Blvd.
Fri. 9 to Midnight Martha Coakley, Bar FX. 90 Commercial St.
Fri. 9 to 1 am YDM, Byblos’ Lounge, Union Station, 2 Washington Square
Fri. 9:30 to 2 am Latino Caucus, The-Venue, 336 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610
Sat. 7:30 am Juliette Kayyem, Room E, DCU
Sat. 7:30 am Deb Goldberg, Hilton Garden Inn, 35 Major Taylor Blvd
Sat. 8:00 am Sen. Markey/AFL-CIO, Grand Ballroom, DCU
Sat. 8:00 am James Arena DeRosa, Room A, DCU
Saturday – Convention After-Party, One Exchange Place, Worcester
The business of the Convention is the endorsement of candidates, determining ballot access, and possibly resolutions. On Friday we’ll convene at 6:00 PM, we’ll endorse Ed Markey, Bill Galvin and Suzanne Bump. On Saturday, we’ll vote on Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer and Attorney General. These votes will determine who gets the party endorsement and who will appear on the primary ballot.
If you are a delegate or alternate, you will be receiving the “Convention Guide 2014”, also known as the “Call to Convention.” It is a newspaper publication that you should READ and BRING WITH YOU. If you have not paid in advance of the Convention, registration at the door is $100 for Delegates and Alternates. The fee will be $75 for full-time students, senior citizens (65 and older) and persons with disabilities. Credentials will be mailed to those who paid by early May.
[ ] Credentials
[ ] Photo ID
[ ] Convention Guide 2014
[ ] CHARGED Cell phone is helpful for staying in touch with others
[ ] Mini-flashlight
[ ] Pen or pencil
The Convention is always a lot of fun! It is a great way to spend time in the company of other Democrats. It is a once a year chance to meet fellow Democrats from your community, your senate district and across the state. A few general pieces of advice:
– Bring a lot of patience and your sense of humor!
– Just because an event says breakfast, it doesn’t mean that you can sit down and order eggs over easy. If you want a big breakfast, eat before you leave home or buy breakfast, but you never know.
– Even though the Convention doesn’t begin until 9:00 AM, there will be exhibits and other activities pre-convention.
– The state has 40 senate districts. Delegates sit within their senate districts. Be sure that you know the name of your senate district. It is printed on your credentials.
– The speeches and ceremonies are all important, but do expect that there may be some chit-chat during some of the program. You’ll get used to it. ‘
– The delegate welcome events are a lot of fun. It is customary that they are open to delegates and their guests.
All Delegates and Alternates should enter the DCU Center through Door #1 on Major Taylor Boulevard. If you received your credential in the mail, you will be able to enter the DCU center without going to the registration table. There will be volunteers handing out lanyards and bags before you check in with your teller.
If you did not receive your credential by mail, you will be able to check in at the registration table and pick up your credential. If you have not paid, you can pay at the registration table by check or credit card. Please note: the registration table will be separated by last name sorted alphabetically. The fee for Delegates and Alternates registering at the door will be $100. For full-time students, senior citizens (65 years and older), and persons with disabilities it will be $75. Anyone who has paid but requires a replacement credential will be charged $50.
On Friday evening there will be a number of parties both before and after the formal session of the convention. Check in opens at 4:00 PM and the convention will be gaveled open at 6:00 PM.
When you enter the DCU Center you will need to show your credentials and a photo ID. Once you are in the hall, you will need to go to the seating area for your senate district and check in with the Democratic Party representative, called a teller. Delegates who have not checked in or do not respond to the 10:00 AM Roll Call will be permanently replaced by alternates. Delegate replacement occurs only when elected alternates are available and have checked in by the 10 AM roll call deadline. Check out the floor map.
The votes for contested offices are done within the senate district, by a voice vote on a roll call vote. All the senate districts will have a teller, usually a DSC member, who will call the name of the delegate and ask for the delegate’s vote. The delegate will respond with the names of the candidates for each contested office. The teller will repeat back the name of the voter and the persons vote. For example, the teller will state, Joe Smith votes for Mike Jones and Ann Johnson. The teller will mark the vote in a ballot book. The official tally will be that marked by the teller in the ballot book. The first ballot will determine ballot access. Every candidate who gets 15% on the first ballot will be able to appear on the primary ballot. There is potentially a runoff between the top two candidates. Campaigns are allowed to observe how the teller is marking the book. Kate’s editorial comment: this can get quite interesting as maybe 14 people crowd around the teller! It’s not unlike a rugby scrum!
The Chairperson may entertain a motion to suspend the Rules, in order to allow a matter submitted in writing by at least 50 Delegates by Noon of the second day of the Convention to the Sergeant-at-Arms, to refer an item to the Democratic State Committee or to adopt a resolution relative to a sense of the Convention. A motion to suspend the rules shall be decided without debate and shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all Delegates voting, a quorum being present.. Matters allowed to be submitted as provided, by signature of delegates, will not be printed by the Democratic State Committee. However, the proposer of same shall be responsible for printing at his/.her expense sufficient copies for each delegate. The printed petitions shall be presented to the Sergeant-at-Arms by 8:00 PM o the first day of the Convention.
NOTE: This is not a substitute for the complete rules. Please refer to and the 2010 Delegate Guide for the complete rules
Dress is generally casual. Because of the number of people present it can get quite warm. It can also be quite cool, depending on the AC. Dressing in layers is helpful. There will be a lot of walking so comfortable shoes are a big plus.
The DCU Center has enacted security measures for your protection. Like other public venues, the center prohibits entrance to the building with any bag larger than a tote bag (i.e. no backpacks, duffle bags). All bags will be subject to a security search. The Massachusetts Democratic Party is working with DCU Center security personnel to ensure that security measures do not impede a swift and efficient registration process. Please note that each time you leave the DCU Center you will be required to pass through a security checkpoint to re-enter.
The preferred parking garage of the DCU Center is the Major Taylor Blvd. Municipal Parking Garage located at 30 Major Taylor Blvd. on the corner of Major Taylor Blvd. and MLK Jr. Blvd. (formerly Central St.) off to exit 16 from I-290. The Worcester Municipal Parking Garage is a 2-minute walk from the facility. There are many other public and private parking areas throughout downtown Worcester.
buses will transport delegates between hotels and the DCU Center, and between Union Station and the DCU Center. On Friday shuttles will run from 4:45 PM until Midnight; on Saturday shuttles will run from 7:45 AM to 10:00 AM and at closing gavel for 1 hour. Shuttles are being provided by the Worcester Regional Transit Authority. They will be blue buses with red & white striping.
Details here.
Organizations from across the state, Committees of the Democratic Party and so many others will have information displayed at the Exhibition Hall. Throughout the convention, we encourage you to visit as many exhibitors as your schedule will permit. A walk through the Exhibit Hall will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the work of a variety of organizations which affect the lives of people in Massachusetts, get involved with an issue by signing up to volunteer and to purchase political memorabilia. оформить карту рассрочки