I guess that it has become my custom to post my endorsements on Blue Mass Group. I appreciate the fact that the folks here are interested in my thoughts.
My candidate for LG is Mike Lake. My endorsement of Mike seems particularly appropriate for this forum. I knew Mike first as an activist, long before I knew him as a candidate. I met Mike when he was working on a campaign in 2003. Mike has worked as a staffer and a volunteer on a number of campaigns, including John Kerry’s presidential race. Many of us here on BMG are the door-knockers, the phone bankers and the people who do the everyday work of campaigns. Mike is one of us. From Southbridge to Marlborough to Boston, Mike is someone who has been participating in campaigns. More than simply a candidate and activist, Mike is a friend.
While I know Mike through our work together on campaigns, I was impressed by Mike and Kitty Dukakis’ endorsement of Mike Lake. Governor Dukakis knows what it it takes to govern the Commonwealth and he recognizes Mike’s ability to lead. Governor Dukakis and I share values in a number of areas. I trust his assessment of who would be effective on Beacon Hill.
In addition to Dukakis’ endorsement, Mike has been endorsed by Governor’s Council Member Eileen Duff, State Senators Sonia Chang-Diaz, Michael Rodrigues, and State Representatives Josh Cutler, Frank Smizik, Russell Holmes, and Chris Walsh. He has been endorsed by Mayors and city leaders across Massachusetts. He has also been endorsed by unions and the Baystate Stonewall Democrats. From this level of support, we can see that our elected officials are excited to work with Mike. They know he is dedicated and excited to work with them to better the lives of every citizen. I also value the endorsement of Katherine Patrick, LGBT activist and Governor Patrick’s daughter. She also sees his commitment to progressive values.
Mike is a young and energetic candidate who would be an asset to any of the Democratic candidates for Governor, both as a running mate during the campaign and bringing skills to the administration.
Mike and I have similar values. He supports economic and social justice, with a strong commitment to high quality education and job creation. I am proud to endorse Mike and I encourage you to join me in supporting his campaign. His passion and past experiences will advance our shared progressive values.
Mike was actually my first endorsement, back in December, before I started posting my choices. If you are a delegate, I hope that you will consider supporting Mike at the Convention on Saturday.
Democratically yours,
Kate Donaghue, Volunteer
PS The convention seating plan has been published. взять кредитную карту без проверок
You are a formidable and respectful foe where we have disagreed on other candidates, but I am elated to have you as an ally in this race. Mike has the ability to create collaboration between different groups, between the public and private sectors, between gateway cities and the rest of the state, between the non-profit community and government. He is an activist first-and will be an activist for the government we need and a great partner with any of our nominees. He will strengthen the final ticket. Glad to have you on board!
Last evening at the Cambridge Public Library, we met with all four of the LG candidates. We in the Mass Democratic party are so blessed to have such amazing candidates! These four are all great guys and some of us found ourselves wanting to split our vote four ways. They would all bring impressive yet somewhat different skills, talents and experiences to the ticket and to the job. All had good visions for the position. All made convincing cases that they were the one we should choose. This one isn’t quite so easy for me and I can’t ever remember so wanting to vote for all of the candidates in any one race.
I just started tuning in on the down ballot races – hadn’t noticed any mayoral endorsements for Lake. Which unions and mayors have endorsed him?
Which LG candidate is best suited to help the Gubernatorial candidate win the 2014 general election. The actual job of the LG is relatively unimportant — we’ve gotten along okay without one since LG Murray resigned apart from a couple of ties on the Governor’s Council that no on was there to break.
The best LG candidate should be able to:
1) bring along his/her own constituency
2) help the top of the ticket raise money
3) attack the opposing gubernatorial candidate so the top of our ticket keeps his/her hands clean
Which of the current crop of candidates can do those? Mike seems like a nice guy, which is why I don’t see him performing task 3 with any credibility. I’m not sure he’s manged to raise any money, either. Near as I can tell, only one of the LG candidates has six figures on hand.
I have no idea what I’m going to do for LG at the convention, but if someone can convince me that their candidate can do 1,2 & 3 better than the other guys, I’m willing to listen.
Is the person able to act as Governor either temporarily in the absence of the Governor, or permanently in the event of resignation or death of the Governor?
It’s happened twice in the last 20 years. The position may be unimportant if nothing happens, but what if the Governor dies, or takes another job?
I want an LG who is ready to take the helm on a moment’s notice. James Arena DeRosa is the only candidate for Lieutenant Governor who has actually managed a large government agency–one with a $12 billion budget, almost half the state budget. He is qualified to be Governor, should the need arise. No one else in the field is.
From the Massachusetts Constitutuon, Chapter II, Section II.
Mike Lake touched upon this on his blog last week:
I would have written what sco wrote.
I just don’t see how Lake’s resume beats the others — particularly Arena-deRosa and Kerrigan, but also Cheung. And I don’t see him as an asset on the campaign trail.
Tim Murray was about what you could reasonably expect as an LG candidate. OK, Worcester’s a weak-mayor city, but he’s a pretty smart guy, well-versed and well-spoken, and wielded the hatchet like a champ. Was he Governor material in case of catastrophe or a Gov’s 5-year itch? Well, if you squinted real hard and hoped he got good advice, sure.
Kerrigan’s the most insidery guy out there; at least he has relationships. Worked for TK. Arena-deRosa ran the FDA regionally, for cryin’ eye — that’s a big job.
Kate is a champ, and if she says something I don’t agree with, I’d better check myself. But I just don’t see it – not this one.