Check this out if you have a minute! In my opinion, it looks much more professional than Berwick’s previous Stop and Help ad and quite simply gets across this candidate’s bold goals for Massachusetts in a concise and effective manner.
Please share widely!
As liberals, we have been too content to just fiddle around the edges. Our times require big changes — mind-bogglingly big changes — we NEED someone who will set these a high agenda and help lead us to get there.
I’m wicked psyched to get to Convention and get cracking on the Primary phase of Don Berwick’s inspiring campaign!
Full disclosure: I’m an enthusiastic Berwick supporter and a volunteer for the campaign. I’m serving as the campaign’s whip at the Convention for my Senate District.
Don may not have much name recognition in the political world, but I’m discovering that he is very well known in the medical community. As more people learn about his vision and what he has accomplished in his distinguished career, his profile will become much better known. I believe that the Convention on Saturday will provide a huge boost.
if a little threadbare, but a much clearer message and delivery than the carburetor one.
Some testimonials would help introducing this guy. And isn’t there any stump-speech footage where he says this stuff?
I have volunteered in many campaigns and I must say that for me being involved with the Berwick campaign has the feel and energy of a Presidential Primary!