From the Manchester Union Leader:
“Three said ‘yes’ right away,” she said. “The fourth dragged his feet, wouldn’t get back and all of the sudden they said, ‘Oh, we’re booked.’”
A stark contrastThe fact that all the candidates in the GOP primary for U.S. Senate have yet to appear on the same stage together stands in stark contrast to the last time New Hampshire had a contested Senate primary.
By this time in 2010, candidates Kelly Ayotte, Bill Binnie, Ovide Lamontagne and Jim Bender had debated six times, with six more to go before the primary vote.
“He’s playing it as if he has already won,” said David McCray, chairman of the Merrimack Business Association and a former Merrimack town councilor, of Brown’s absence from the debate schedule so far
From the Sun Chronicle:
In October 2004, Scott Brown refused to debate Angus McQuilken. At first he declined because he said the event was partisan. But, in fact, the Plainville Democratic Town Committee partnered with the North Attleboro Republican Town Committee to sponsor an evening of debates between Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian candidates for U.S. Congress, state Senate, and state rep. After Brown’s continued refusals – even to members of his own party – McQuilken was told he would be alone in addressing the audience.
Then Brown showed up at the event, unannounced, expecting to be allowed to debate. As The Sun Chronicle recounted in “Brown riles debate” (Oct. 15, 2004), “Brown … sought to blame his opponent … for the exclusion. But both Democratic and Republican organizers said it was Brown’s fault.”
The story went on to quote Jackie Savignano, chairwoman of the North Attleboro Republican Town Committee, who said “I was surprised he showed up. I wasn’t happy,” and Deb Tucker, a Republican State Committee member from North Attleboro, who observed, “It was a difficult position to put us in.”
In the end, the Democratic Town Committee and McQuilken agreed to do whatever the Republican Town Committee decided was best, which was that Brown would not be allowed to debate. Both committees reached an agreement that he would be given two minutes to speak.
The reason Brown gave for refusing the invitation? As The Sun Chronicle reports, “Greanier acknowledged that she dislikes Brown, and they do not get along. Brown’s campaign manager said that is why Brown originally refused the invitation.”
From Politico:
Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is refusing to reschedule tonight’s debate with Elizabeth Warren, which was canceled due to Hurricane Sandy.
“It is unfortunate that nature intervened in a way we all agreed made it inappropriate to carry on with the scheduled debate,” Colin Reed, the communications director for Scott Brown’s campaign, said in a statement. “With only days remaining in the campaign, and with a long-planned bus tour kicking off Thursday through Election Day that will take Scott Brown to every corner of the Commonwealth, our calendar simply cannot accommodate a rescheduling of this fourth debate and the planning and preparation that would go into it. Senator Brown is pleased to have participated in three major televised debates, and regrets that Professor Warren refused two additional earlier debate opportunities that he accepted.”
Massachusetts Democrats are criticizing Brown for “ducking” the debate, noting that he has turned down five other debates this year. Sen. Brown’s campaign claims Warren has turned down two. The Warren campaign agreed to reschedule the debate for Thursday.
I dare say Scott Brown exemplifies a modern-day James Michael Curkey more than any other public official I know from this sort of behavior (well, including that school incident, etc).
What did I tell you?
PS No, we do not want him back.
he is so incompetent and yet narcissistic, he won’t be able to stand up to the scrutiny of a bunch of small New Hampshire newspapers.