Many people have weighed in on the logistics, set up and procedures in Worcester this past Saturday. As a Cape & Islands, up in the 200 level, it was a challenge. Barnstable County is demographically the oldest one in the state. Putting C&I up on the top level was just poor planning or lack of knowledge. No doubt, any delegation would have had members that would find the top level difficult. It is not just the lack of say elevators to get to that level. The stairs themselves are quite steep. It’s an accident waiting to happen and we should be better than that.
There is also a certain irony that while as a party, we want to be inclusive, waive fees for delegates who need financial help to participate, we get to pay $3.50 for a bottle of water. I know, any time you step into an arena, you pay ridiculous captive audience prices. And the DCU’s food options are strictly minor league. They could not keep up with the volume at peak periods.
But the one thing that needs to be rectified the most if how we record votes. Is there a party rule preventing us from evolving past the 19th Century? Seriously, we still have notebooks, paper and pens? Without getting into specifics, there are numerous examples of technology that could be used to significantly speed up the process. In discussing this with delegates, someone questioned whether you could rely on the technology. I’d suggest, there is plenty of concern with the human element being accurate. Had Berwick been closer to Coakley, could and should a recount have been asked for?
We came to Worcester to endorse candidates. Because the process is so labored, we actually only made one clean endorsement. The party owes it to the people who are bringing their time and energy to review process and logistics. If we can have conventions in Springfield, we can have them in Boston also. I’ve attended conventions for about 15 years now, never one in Boston. If the party needs people to serve on a group to overhaul this labored process, sign me up.