As part of a larger remarks on the right wing freak out on Iraq, Senator Harry Reid said, “Being on the wrong side of Dick Cheney is being on the right side of history“.
Although, Jay Carney’s off the cuff Cheney slam, “Which president was he talking about? is a close second.
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jconway says
But it also serves to remind us that Reid was on Cheney’s side at one point..
mike_cote says
I think the filibuster reform took too friggen long! I might even be OK with the non-D Senator Bernie Sanders.
jconway says
Passing bipartisan bills, raising a boatload of money for crucial races across America, is widely liked and does well on television. I don’t think she has the patience or willingness to subject herself to the awful side of a presidential campaign-but I can see her being a great majority leader. Party Murray, Tammy Baldwin, and Amy Klobuchar also come to mind as strong leaders in the Senate who could actually get it.
Sanders did an awesome job on the veterans bill-but it’s unlikely he would ever get the nod.