With the Democratic Primary candidates finalized by Secretary Galvin’s office, voters have a clear view of whose running for what. Looking down ballot at the Suffolk County Sheriff’s race, with 3 candidates qualified for the Democratic Primary, I wanted to acknowledge a bit of campaign history made by Sheriff Steve Tompkins.
In an unprecedented show of support, the correction officers of AFSCME Local 419 voted to endorse Acting Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins in his bid for election this fall. Tompkins was appointed by Governor Patrick after Sheriff Cabral moved into his cabinet. What’s historically interesting about Local 419’s endorsement is that to date, no other sitting Suffolk County Sheriff has been endorsed by the union within the department.
As an active Union member, I pay close attention to what actions Unions representing workers within an agency or city take on candidates who are also their boss. Poor labor relations within a municipality or agency often leads to Unions sitting out (or even endorsing an opponent) in an election to express their displeasure with top management. The fact that Tompkins earned the endorsement and support of the members of Local 419 is a clear signal to other Unions and voters who are concerned about workers that Sheriff Tompkins should be their candidate of choice.
This from a press release (no link);
According to Local 419 President and House of Correction officer Robert DeBole, union members agreed that the endorsement was, “the right thing to do.”
“From the time that Sheriff Tompkins came on-board, he’s shown his support for us,” said 419 President DeBole. “He introduced himself to everyone and he was appreciative of what it is that we do, and he took an interest in each person that he met. It was something we hadn’t seen before. He goes above and beyond and he showed a willingness to work with the union right away.”
Sheriff Tompkins has also had Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Mass AFL-CIO President Steve Tolman talking up his election effort. From the same press advisory –
“From Day One, Sheriff Tompkins has shown great leadership, whether it be in providing programming and services to better the lives of those in his custody, or advocating on behalf of the men and women who help to make the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department one of the best law enforcement agencies in the country,” said Boston Mayor Martin Walsh. “So, it’s no surprise that the members of Local 419 have given him their support.”
“Sheriff Tompkins has done something unique in getting the public support of Local 419,” added AFL-CIO President Steven Tolman. “He has taken what can sometimes be a contentious relationship between employer and employee and turned it into a position of strength by fostering open communication and showing a genuine concern for the wellbeing of the members of the department’s workforce.”
While my Union hasn’t taken a position in this race . . . yet. Local 419’s endorsement is a very good highway marker on the road to a decision.
I hope its effects continue on into November.
Hope he keeps up the good work!
Anyone know the status of this?
Also, after the Leland Cheung post this seems interesting:
About being a long-time booster of Doug Bennet. (Something I’ll never understand…except that friendship goes along way)
I’m a friend of Doug Bennett and supported him during his first and second run for Boston City Council.
In addition to the two things I mentioned, there is also this:
I’m curious to hear how Tompkins resolved it.
you must be doing something right. He is as certifiable as nomination papers.
I can’t comment on the merits, but “certifiable as nomination papers” has to be the best political pun/metaphor I’ve heard in a long time!
by linking to posts that contain embarrassing and childish outbursts on the part of Doug Bennett himself. He makes it painfully apparent that he does not have the temperament or self-restraint required for public office.
A downvote Doug? Really?
You can disapprove of my comment all you want, but most people who read your childish outbursts are going to come to the same conclusion.
Here is my exchange with Doug Bennett on Twitter yesterday. I got to use “Bqhatevwr”, which made my day. Seriously, though, anyone whose platform is the use of “crime deterrence posses” with “counterinsurgency tactics” is not a serious candidate for sheriff.
You keep on downvoting comments. I do not think it means what you think it means.