Scott Brown’s New Hampshire Senate campaign sent a news release Wednesday questioning why Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) wasn’t appearing with President Obama while he was “in town.”
But Obama was in Worcester, Mass., about 50 miles from the New Hampshire border. The president will then be raising money in Boston for Senate Democrats.
Scott, which state are you running in again?
Please share widely!
My understanding is that he was in Worcester for a high school graduation. (Somebody must know somebody!) Not surprising Brown can’t tell the difference between MA and NH:)
He delivered the address at Worcester Technical HS, then went to Weston for a DSCC fundraiser.
Every year, President Obama picks a few colleges to give a commencement address, and, every year, he gives a commencement address at one high school. He chose Worcester technical high school to focus on specific issues. That high school does vocational education and it has a high percentage of graduates from immigrant families.
Wasn’t aware of that pattern, so having POTUS do a high school commencement struck me as highly unusual.
Bachmann made a similar mistake while running for President. #SameParty
to make a political dig by tying your opponent to a disliked President, you sometimes have to stretch to the illogical. He seems to be trying to play a game that is over his head. It’s really uncomfortable to watch. I hope the voters of NH can see this.
Here is the link.
Michele Bachmann wasn’t sure:)
Man was born in Kittery, NH, beat Ted Kennedy to be elected senator from NH (practically, really), makes a comment about Worcester, NH, and you are all over him.
I know all I need to know about Brown from reading the Lehigh’s column/loveletters in the New Hampshire Globe
The New Boston Globe