I’ve reported on some of the direct contributions through the end of May. I’d like to just give some updated numbers. My thinking is that at this point contributions can’t be used toward the convention (too late to have an impact), so direct contributions show the confidence that donors have in their candidate making the cut.
For June 1 through present – total direct contributions to the campaign:
Berwick $49,492.17
Coakley $38,398.25
Grossman $35,191.13
Avellone $1,348.02
Kayyem $0
I’m not sure what the filing requirements are for the candidates and whether Kayyem just hasn’t submitted the info yet. The top three have reported through 6/11. Avellone’s last contribution reported was 6/5. So we can assume the top three are current while the bottom two are either current or delayed?
In any case, it seems to be a good sign for the Berwick, Coakley and Grossman campaigns. Coakley has been the frontrunner with direct contributions but does better in the second half of each month, so while she is second here, it is in line with her fundraising pattern. Berwick has been surging and appears to be continuing that momentum.
kevin-mentzer says
Kayyem’s numbers are now on OCPF. For the period from 6/1 through 6/11 her campaign received $22,845.00. None of the other numbers have changed (keeping the search through 6/11 since that is what this post reported on).
Pablo says
Joe Avellone seems to be doing better than expected with his $1348.02.