I’m surprised this hasn’t already been written up yet for the BMG faithful – the legend of Scott Brown grows by the hour! Steve Kornacki was sitting in for Rachel Maddow tonight and he closed the show with a brief commentary about the various lengths Republicans have gone to in the past to avoid uncomfortable questions from reporters. He showed clips of Sharron Angle refusing to answer a reporter’s question about “Second Amendment remedies”, Michele Bachmann’s “sprinterview” as she ran from a reporter asking questions about untrue statements she made in a speech, and Jim Bunning telling a reporter that he was in the “senators only” elevator. It seems, however, that Scott “BQHATEVWR” Brown has topped them all…
Joan McCarter over at DailyKos has the story at this link by way of The Guardian. Paul Lewis, a reporter from the Guardian, wanted to ask Scott about the Hobby Lobby decision, but it seems that the campaign was being close-mouthed as to the candidate’s appearance schedule. So Paul used other means to find out where Scott was going to be and managed to track him down:
While an inquiring member of the public will be told about Brown’s forthcoming campaign stops, the schedule is kept secret from anyone who, like me, self-identifies as a journalist. Fortunately, I received a tip-off that Brown would be appearing later in the day at a diner 100 miles north, in the foothills of the White Mountains.
I found Brown at a table at a restaurant called Priscilla’s, introduced myself as a Guardian reporter and enquired if I could ask him some questions. Brown smiled nervously and replied: “What do you want to ask me about?”
“Hobby Lobby? That would be a start,” I said.
“I’m all set,” he replied. “We’re enjoying ourselves right now.”
“But you’re standing for Senate. It is routine for journalists to ask you questions and usually the candidates answer.”
“Not without notifying my office.”
Brown stood up, walked to the back of the diner, and took shelter in the bathroom. A campaign aide, Jeremy, looked bewildered. He lingered beside me for a few moments, before politely excusing himself–“Nice to meet you”–and joining his boss in the bathroom.
Lewis went to the next scheduled campaign stop, where he was spotted by Brown, who exited the room before any awkward questions were asked. Of course, the story gets even better after that – the campaign called the police! By the time they arrived, Lewis had left the event and Brown was holed up inside, probably cowering in fear from actual questions about current events. The officer had this to say:
Officer Valley mulled over the situation before delivering his summary judgment. “There’s no crime,” he said. “No issue here at all.”
But the best news of the day came from an NBC News/Marist poll of the race, showing Shaheen besting Brown by 50-42 with 6% undecided. Donate and/or volunteer for Jeanne Shaeen here.
he would probably have said “This is the ex-senators-only bathroom!”
to take way more joy than I should in watching Scott Brown get his ass kicked again.
He was practicing his wide stance
No backs! He’s all yours now.
Ought to be a Dodge.
At this point, is there any reason to think Scott Brown will clear the Republican primary?
Bob Smith is no Richard Russell, but he will be tough.
Was the Guardian reporter the only one actually trying to ask Brown about Hobby Lobby? That’s pretty sad.
This episode proves that the long list of people who have zero confidence that Scotty has the intellectual acuity to answer questions on the fly without making a mess now includes Scotty himself.
He’s pretty and he drives a truck!
Wotta coward.
when we have ‘Scotto the Clown’ to entertain us ? Yes, I’ve got the popcorn and I’m laughing out loud at this joker. ‘Brownie the Loser’ is the gift that keeps on giving.
Pour it on,folks,and let’s beat this fraud like a rented mule.
The Happy Warrior, Fred
Well, at least he won’t be able to embarrass his daughters the same way this time around — Arianna just got married.