I’m getting tired of the right-wing conservative whine ‘what has John Tierney actually done’ ?
There used to be a TV show called ‘Dragnet’ where Officer Joe Friday says to the witness : ‘Just the facts, ma’am.’
Herewith, Fact #1 : Congressman Tierney authored the medical loss ratio (MLR) provisions in the Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148), which requires insurance companies to spend generally at least 80 cents of every dollar that Americans pay in premiums on health care versus CEO pay and bonuses and other administrative costs. If this requirement is not met, insurance companies must pay consumers a rebate. This is one of the most popular and successful aspects of Obamacare.
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” ALDOUS HUXLEY
Good night and good luck.
This from Moulton’s own website posting:
so how about it DINO poser Moulton and 2-time loser, has-been, Koch teabaggin’, Tisei; do you support Congressman Tierney’s consumer reform of the Affordable Care Act that
President Obama signed into law OR not ? Let’s watch the dance!
How do you like them apples pukes and puke wannabes ?
Fred Rich LaRiccia
P.S. Striker57 : though I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting you, if either one of these frauds has the gonads to respond, I’ll treat you to a lobster dinner !