I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Don Berwick for an hour-long episode of my local access cable TV show, “All Politics Is Local”. We managed to cover every bullet item found under the issues tab at BerwickforGovernor.com
Here’s the full video:
My show appears in 8 towns across the Worcester/Norfolk senate district, and while it won’t make it into the on-air rotation for several weeks due to other shows being ahead of it in the queue, that’s the beauty of publishing to YouTube! Please take an hour to watch the show and please give me feedback in the comments.
Please share widely!
And good job on the interview.
I’m glad you liked my interview – more importantly, I hope you heard what Don was saying. It’s well past time to “have conversations” about the progressive items the commonwealth needs – concrete action is what’s required, and Don is the one candidate promising to deliver it.
Thanks so much John for providing our blogging community with an interview that really covers the waterfront on the issues we care about. Don Berwick is not just a Bold Progressive, but a Pragmatic one too and is offering real solutions to the challenges we face in the Commonwealth.
I was very proud of that episode – after we finished, Don commended me for my preparation, but all I did was read his web site! He truly is the candidate we need, I’m looking forward to voting for him in November…