Full disclosure: I am a strong supporter of Michael Sullivan, and would be backing him for DA no matter whom he was running against.
Last week I laid out an entirely positive case for why I was proudly supporting Michael A. Sullivan for District Attorney, based on his long history of public service to my hometown of Cambridge and Middlesex County as it’s Clerk of Courts. Consider last week the direct examination of a talented and capable public servant, and this week the cross examination that undermines his opponents case for election*.
(*As an appointed official, Ms. Ryan is technically not up for re-election, as this is her first time facing the voters)
We already have the questionable actions of her response to the tragic Remy case. On top of that, Joan Vennocchi brought up another glaring mistake that her office has made:
But there are other signs she needs to focus on the big picture. Last June, the Globe reported that an error made by an administrative assistant in the DA’s office jeopardized at least a dozen child pornography cases in the county….But in the aftermath, what did you learn? And how did you lead, manage, and inspire from that low point?
That’s the case Ryan has yet to make to the public.
And this Saturday’s Globe finally brought to light consistent mismanagement of the office, which is hemorrhaging staff, alongside a pattern of repeated abusive behavior towards subordinates.
As many as 66 of about 240 employees in the office have left and been replaced during Ryan’s time at the helm…
Possibly due to abusive behavior by the DA
“The employees of the Middlesex DA’s office are deeply committed and extremely hard-working despite the current executive leadership who often treats them in demeaning and disparaging ways,” said former prosecutor Lisa McGovern, who gave notice on June 2, a week after securing the first-degree murder conviction of Jared Remy for the killing of his girlfriend, Jennifer Martel. “It’s mismanagement to treat them in a harsh, demeaning way and mismanagement to base supervisory decisions on the fear of media criticism.”
A pattern going as far back as 2012, when then DA Gerry Leone removed paralegals and interns from Ryan’s staff due to the way they were mistreated:
In 2012, then Middlesex District Attorney Leone decided that Ryan should no longer directly supervise paralegals and assistants following several complaints about her yelling at subordinates and overloading them with work, according to three people with knowledge of the order.
One was so stressed while working for Ryan she no longer felt comfortable coming to the office, according to two of the sources.
Michael Sullivan is a former colleague and friend of Marian Ryan, at question here is not her capability as a lawyer or a prosecutor, but her ability to manage an office of several hundred attorneys successfully. Michael A. Sullivan already has some executive experience as Mayor of Cambridge where he chaired the Cambridge City Council and School Committee as Mayor and oversaw City Hall Staff, and he has successfully runan even larger office at the Clerk of Courts. He came into this race reluctantly, at the behest of several attorneys and former MA AG and Middlesex DA Scott Harshbarger, who were disappointed with the direction Ryan was taking the office.
As Sullivan said in this Sunday’s Globe, where he challenged Ryan to a second debate, this is a purely a question of management, and a strong case can be made that he will do a better job.
When Marian Ryan first announced that she would run for Middlesex DA, I was inclined to support her given her experience in the DA’s office. After Jared Remy was released without bail, I read his history of violence and could not understand how he was not held for a dangerousness hearing. if ever someone was dangerous, it was him. After that, I lost confidence that Ms. Ryan had the judgment required to run the Middlesex DA’s office.
Michael Sullivan though he has not worked in the DA’s office has worked in the court and has been a city councilor and mayor of Cambridge. He has the temperament and experience to earn the trust and support of the attorneys and other staff in the DA’s office. He has good sound judgment. He is warm and friendly. he is sincerely interested in hearing ideas from others and is clearly a consensus builder. He will make an excellent district attorney.
Mike was an ADA in the DA’s office and was an Assistant Attorney General. he has more relevant experience than I thought. Very impressive.
I forgot to mention that in this post, though I believe I did in my first one.
He has also been clear that this isn’t personal, it sounds like she is a decent ADA and a capable prosecutor. But, doesn’t seem like she is good at managing the office, leading by example and consensus, or taking responsibility. Time to send someone with the experience and empathy to succeed here.