What is wrong with this guy? His “money quote” is simply:
“If I opened the newspaper tomorrow,” Morris added, “and I learn that Obama resigned, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
If this doesn’t guarantee that the Republican’s will not win the White House for at least the next decade, I don’t know what will.
If I may quote Kirk to Khan in Wrath of Khan, “I am laughing at the superior intellegence.”
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Please share widely!
johntmay says
…how the Republicans are treating the fastest growing demographic in the USA. Hispanics are being treated like vermin, even by a Republican senator who was born in Canada to a Hispanic father. “Ted” Cruz even refuses to use he real first name, presumably because Republicans would never elect anyone name Rafael.
Yes indeed. Texas turns BLUE in 2016. What are they thinking?
jconway says
Democrats have squandered their demographic advantage before, and the last seven years should have sobered us away from the notion that winning elections leads to successful governance.
kbusch says
The Republican strategy of obstructionism in Congress rests partly on the idea that people think of the President as completely responsible for everything the federal government does or touches. By that view, Mr Obama is responsible for the problem in Ukraine, the campaign in Gaza, and the lack of progress on immigration reform.
It is the latter that could significantly undercut Latino/a support for Democrats.
jconway says
People are blaming him for Ukraine, Gaza, and yes many Latino’s are disappointed in him as well. Fortunately, the GOP is openly in contempt of helping the immigrants, the unemployed, or women so that may work in our favor. It’s not looking great, the Senate should hold, I feel like any incumbent party is at risk for Governorships. Pat Quinn is doomed, but so is Brownback.
Begich has a fairly good lead now, Pryor has been up a few times, and Carter’s grandson is now a slight favorite to get the win, hopefully he can pull Nunn in with him, and hopefully McConnell’s negatives sink him there.
MT, WV, and SD are done, LA probably as well, though don’t underestimate the Landreiu’s.
mike_cote says
I see this similar to the over the top predictions of Faux News on Romney’s winning the White House.
Christopher says
How many points did Morris say Romney would win by in 2012?
jconway says
His parents named him well 😀
mimolette says
I could be misremembering, but I think it was Dick Morris that Jon Stewart once called “the King of Wrong Mountain.” I know he has a lot of competition from the neocons who pushed intervention in Iraq, but Morris may still reign as the pundit most consistently proved to be wrong about everything, ever.
I don’t wonder what’s wrong with him. I wonder what’s wrong with the media outlets who keep going to him for quotes.