DKos front-pager Meteor Blades and DKos user Poopdogcomedy both had posts up today about the latest flip-flop from the flim-flam man Scott Brown:
MB: Shifty Scott Brown reverses his 2012 stance on whether climate change is real
PDC: NH-Sen: Scott Brown (R) Flip Flops On Climate Change, Claims “It’s Not Scientifically Proven”
In Brown’s first debate with Elizabeth Warren, when he was asked if he believed climate change was real, he answered, “Yes, yes I do. I absolutely believe that climate change is real and I believe there’s a combination between man-made and natural. That being said one of the biggest things we could do is get an energy policy and we don’t have one.” . In sharp contrast to that answer, when asked by reporters yesterday is climate change had been scientifically proven, he simply answered “No.” You can see his answer from the Warren debate around 48 minutes in on this clip:
This actually marks Brown’s third stance on climate change, since in his race against Coakley in 2010 he said he wasn’t sure if climate change was man-made or occurring naturally. Whether climate change is real or not, Scott Brown apparently thinks bending the way that will get him the most votes is the kind of political climate change he can believe in. Bqhatevwr!
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It’s interesting that the clip from the recent debate has apparently been removed from the second link cited in the thread-starter.
The mere fact that a candidate for national office can deny that anthropogenic global climate change is scientifically proven — and not be a laughing-stock in ALL the mainstream media — is horrifying. This is no different from claiming that evolution has not been proven or that causal connection between cigarette smoking and lung cancer is not proven.
This is as much (or more) a failure of our mainstream media as it is a failure of Scott Brown. We have made ourselves a nation of imbeciles.
Scotto and your media tools, remember what Mark Twain said: ‘Better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.’
Please continue, idiot!
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Makes you appreciate how much better Ronald Reagan was at delivering the lines prepared by his handlers.
Doesn’t he know the internet exists and people can watch this stuff? Oh wait, he shared advisers with this guy.
Is that our inevitable Democratic candidate for governor actually lost a statewide election to this pandering, no-spine, wishy-washy, empty-headed, glory-seeking pin-up model.