From Maddow Blog:
* Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), now running in New Hampshire, was on the campaign trail yesterday with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). A journalist with the local CBS affiliate took a photo that suggests voter turnout was a bit of a problem.
At a Scott Brown event in Derry… He is with John McCain. Looks like we are just extras for a commercial shoot.
— Matt Colson (@ColsonPhotog) August 18, 2014
Please share widely!
A member of the press asked McCain wasn’t it odd that he, not the candidate, was talking to the press. A handler answered that “He’s gotta get to Boston”, which it sounds like McCain then repeated. Way to win NH voters’ hearts, Scotto!
It is difficult or impossible to fly non-stop from Phoenix to Manchester NH.
Scott Brown, like any other NH resident who complains about all that’s wrong about Massachusetts, nevertheless uses Logan when they need to travel. Just like they end up in a Boston hospital (if they can afford it) if they have a truly serious medical situation.
While I love the implied “gotcha”, in this case it speaks more to tribulations of being from NH than to any mistake on the part of Mr. Brown or Mr. McCain.
When you hold a town meeting in NH to support your candidacy as US Senator from NH, you, not your big name draw, should stick around for at least a minute to talk to the press afterwards. It’s simply bad form to not bother to show up for the entirety of your own events, then give the excuse that you’re hightailing it to some other state.
I like Manchester and flew out of there a lot before SWA came to Logan. Granted, not really a need to fly there now, but the security is a lot easier and the folks are friendlier.
I thought the clip in question was a campaign appearance in AZ, not NH. Even if it was in NH, it’s just MUCH harder to get anywhere else from Manchester than from Logan.
I’m no Scott Brown defender, but I’m willing to give him a pass on this one.
I was referring to the 5:49p comment from laurel.
A comment on the cited twitter feed suggests that the room was more crowded when the event actually began. The photographer comments that the posted pic really DOES show the taping of a commercial.
The camera angle in the youtube clip makes it hard to judge the size of the crowd, but the background noise alone suggests to me that the event was not “empty”.
Good friend from high school was going back to med school at ASU after a long summer in New England and saw Sen. McCain sound asleep in business class.