These clowns have got to go. Okay, you know where I stand. More importantly however, is where the Mayor of the great City of Boston stands on the latest shenanigans of the Mass Gaming Circus.
Dealing with casino developers from a surrounding community perspective is something I have personal experience with. They suck. They lied, they delayed, they skimped, they were rude, they bloviated, they lied…..they suck.
Prior to dealing with casino developers I had personal experience dealing with DiMasi and DeLeo legislators on the casino issue. The later group – many with the same names and similar faces as the DiMasi group, sucked…..but lots of them got a raise and a chair/vice-chair seat. They suck.
Mayor Marty who has handled his rise to the power seat, as the new King of the Athens of America, with a shrewd if not enigmatic manner has been ‘nad-yanked again by the MGC.
Here’s a speck of what he had to say about the Gaming Circus stripping Boston (for cripes sake – BOSTON) of surrounding community status,
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh blasted the commission when speaking with a group of reporters after an event in Boston’s Fort Point neighborhood. Walsh said the decision “shows hows slanted they are towards this industry and not towards the residents of the city of Boston and the actual taxpayers that pay their salary.”
Walsh said the commission was abdicating their responsibilities and disputed Commissioner McHugh’s claims that the city was being unresponsive.
“Their job was to look out for our interests when we were a surrounding community,” said Walsh.
What do you think. Is this the oversight, beyond reproach public service that we were promised?
If so how is Boston not a surrounding community? Those two cities are directly adjacent to each other, are they not? If contiguity isn’t the standard for being a surrounding community then what in the world is?
Clearly, the standard for being a “surrounding community” is an unqualified “yes” vote for allowing the casino — preferably a “yes” vote obtained affordably.
created by the gaming commission pertains to the Everett proposal.
That’s the only way this happened.
The Gaming Commission doesn’t care about people. It cares about helping out the casino industry.