I have known Mike Lake for 10 years. He is one of my dearest friends and mentors. I call him “older brother” and couldn’t be prouder of him and the campaign he is running. There is no one else I would want to make my first blue mass group post about.
Mike Lake should be the next Lt. Governor.
When voting for a position in the executive branch, especially in a primary where policy prescriptions are mostly similar, our decision should be based on character.
I will be voting for Mike Lake because he is one of the best people I know.
I met Mike when I worked on Mike Festa’s Middlesex District Attorney campaign in 2005. I was his Deputy Campaign Manager.
Soon after Hurricane Katrina Mike Festa had hired Mike Lake to be his fundraiser. I called him to work out a start date. Mike Lake couldn’t start on the date Mike Festa requested. When I asked Mike Lake why, he told me – “I’m going to New Orleans. I had some extra money so I bought toys, rented a car, and I’m heading down hoping to pass them out or give them to a good cause. Breaks my heart to see those kids.”
I didn’t think this guy was real, who does that?
Mike lake does.
Mike Lake genuinely cares. It’s more than compassion or empathy; it’s a solidarity he feels with those less fortunate. Ask any of Mike’s friends and they will have examples. Examples of him helping them when they were unemployed, when they needed a pep-talk, when they were in an emergency, when they were being bullied, or when they just needed a shoulder to lean on. He provides a unique fit for the Lt. Governor because he’s passionate enough to think of large policy prescriptions, but compassionate enough to take action for the individual or community who brought the issue to his attention.
This is similar to why I voted for Katherine Clark. Like that race we have excellent candidates, but I personally know Mike Lake and I know his character. Like Katherine, Mike works to make a difference for as many people as possible. Like her, he cannot just meet someone and move on, hear a situation and leave; their nature is to resolve problems.
Mike’s idea for his campaign was the Massachusetts Promise. A promise for economic and social justice for all our residents. And my older brother doesn’t make promises he can’t keep. He does not see someone hurting, feel bad for them, and make a token gesture. He sees someone hurting and tries to make a difference. That character is what I want in a Lt. Governor. That’s what I want in government, period. That’s why I want Lake on September 9.
It was a pleasure to post on your behalf during your campaign for State Senate and I join you in backing Mike Lake! Mike Lake was the first statewide candidate who answered an email of mine directly, and we have stayed in touch since he ran for Auditor. I have always been impressed with his commitment to our gateway cities, emboldening the non-profit sector to partner with the public sector, and his ideas on smart growth and inner city education. There is a reason smart policymakers like Sonia Chang-Diaz are backing him, longtime LGTBQ activists like Fred LaRiccia are backing him, and a diverse group of people from across the state. He bridges a lot of divides geographically and ideologically within our party, and will continue the Murray tradition of using the LGs office as a liaison to municipalities and state government. I am proud to join you in backing him.