…..and my Republican co-workers are losing their minds! He’s a Socialist! Never mind that President Bush saluted with a dog in his arms, this is different. Never mind that the Dow is up 60% since Obama took office, he’s a socialist! Unemployment is down but that’s just because people have given up and are sitting back collecting checks! I heard it on the news.
It’s hard working with Republicans.
Please share widely!
…until Reagan came along.
Until recently, Presidents had a service background and it was more a reflex with them.
I was also under the impression that this was a brilliant bit of Reagan stagecraft– so brilliant that is is now custom.
But then the only source I have for Eisenhower not doing it is Rachel Maddow, so ehh.
Google photo kills me with GENERAL Eisenhower saluting, rather than President.
It is the stoopid season, isn’t it.
Hope all that rain isn’t washing your quills away down there.
Here is a link – http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/sep/24/rachel-maddow/rachel-maddow-not-even-old-gen-eisenhower-saluted-/
I remember Pres. Eisenhower on the Philco, whereas Maddow is a little younger than my oldest child. These kids – can’t take the time to look anything up, with their crazy rock and roll….
A stupid thing to do by the President.
Not as stupid as getting the US involved in a middle east war in which success is impossible, and in which we have no allies among the competing sides, all using an authorization to use military force issued by a different Congress to a different President 13 years ago, but stupid nonetheless.
Admittedly, this is an example of “Baker said ‘sweetheart; Obama said ‘sweetie,’ so there! Where was your outrage then you fakely outraged person? There were literally ZERO people anywhere at all in the entire known universe who complained then, and so this issue that you have raised today that is embarrassing to my preferred candidate may therefore be ignored. Nanny nanny noo noo.”
Now I feel guilty for having played along.
The last four Presidents, in both parties, have disrespected the troops by consistently cutting access and funds allocated to veterans healthcare and sending soldiers unilaterally into open ended military operations justified by neither national security concerns or international and domestic law. As soon as we start electing Presidents who respect the troops enough to avoid sending them into harms way unnecessarily and taking care of them when we come home, than we can worry about how they salute them.
It seems MSM and lots of folks choose the wrong potholes to piss in.
I appreciate your refocusing on what really matters – and I am a Yankee Doodle Dandle patriot.
Humvees without armor and families buying their soldier’s own body armor….
…and can be read as dismissive. But I don’t think it was deliberate disrespect. I don’t think a lot of forethought went into the macro implications of the gesture.
Sort of like calling a female reporter ‘sweetheart’.
Because being sexist is just like having your hands full.
Women didn’t get the vote until 1920 because the president was always carrying stuff. Perhaps that school in Colorado will inset that into its history curriculum.