It has been a week of disappointment for this progressive activist. I have wrestled with conflicting thoughts and emotions ranging from throwing in the towel to abandoning party politics altogether. But with time for my wounds to heal and deeper reflection I have resolved my internal conflicts and would like to share some lessons learned with you, my fellow liberals.
As many of you know I was Senior Advisor to Mike Lake, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor. I couldn’t have been more proud of my friend than I was on Wednesday morning as we both attended the Unity Breakfast at the Parker House. I knew how bad he was hurting inside yet he conducted himself with grace and encouragement to all. He felt bad for those of us who had volunteered and worked so hard for him. Imagine. He had just been kicked in the gut and called to see how we were doing because he felt he had let us down. I was moved to tears by the experience. Governor Patrick was so kind and thanked us for our service and we shared how we had marched together in the pouring rain at his first Gay Pride Parade in 2005 and how much progress we had made.
We also suffered the loss of my friend and Congressman John Tierney. I met Seth Moulton at the breakfast and when he asked for my support,as reported earlier here and in the Globe, I told him he would have to earn it by proving to me he was a ‘real progressive’. I’m still waiting.
The only consistent takeaway for me on Tuesday when asked how we did was : ‘If I voted for him, they lost.’ We did,however, win the town of Gosnold !
So, after being consoled and bucked up by my friend, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, I’m ready to get back in the fight. But not without some caveats. I have decided I can support the national/statewide ticket best by taking action locally. First, I will consult and manage the most hotly contested state rep race in my area, the 9th Essex: Lynn (Wd. 1, Pcts. 1,2), Saugus (Pcts. 1,2,4-9), Wakefield (Pcts. 1-3,7). It is currently held by Donald Wong (R-Saugus). He is being challenged by my guy, Christopher Finn, the Democratic nominee. We met yesterday with my protégé, Anthony Guardia, who has agreed to come on board as our Wakefield coordinator. Check Chris out at
Second, I will actively support my other state rep and longtime friend Rep. Paul Brodeur (D-Melrose) and 5th Middlesex state senator Jason Lewis (D-Winchester). That should keep me busy until November 4 as I do still have a day job.
Strength and Honor! Forward to Victory !
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Strong support for Chris Finn in this house.
I am sure you are already aware of Mr. Wong’s close ties to some of the members of the Saugus Board of Selectmen.
Those same members of the Board of Selectmen are up to no good.
He has briefed me on the political landscape in Saugus as has our friend Anthony Guardia who ran for the seat and is now our Wakefield coordinator.
Sounds like the people of Saugus may be ready to elect a progressive newcomer who will fight for the kitchen table issues people care about : better schools, jobs that pay a living wage, equal pay for women, and earned sick leave for all.
Also, a 21st century transportation infrastructure that will promote strong
economic development.
Chris looks forward to debating the issues and moving the 9th Essex forward. We appreciate your support !
Keep in touch!
I was honored to introduce Anthony Guardia to your Mom when he ran for the state senate and was pleased to learn they live in my neighborhood Precinct 3. I hope to make your acquaintance when you visit your folks someday.
Best Democratic Regards,
And I will be sure to send my regards and see if we can get a Finn sign. They share your disappointment about a lot of progressive candidates and politicians falling short, and voting and civic engagement have fallen off their radar a little bit, but, that is a race where their votes will make a real difference, I’ll be sure to pass along what info I can.
I notice you’re very friendly, Fred.
And good luck to Chris Finn, Paul Brodeur, and Jason Lewis. At the risk of repeating myself, we will improve the legislature one real Democrat (i.e. progressive) at a time. In your list of important races, I’ll add that us likeminded folks in Malden will be working in parallel to elect Steve Ultrino who is running against an Independent in the 33rd Middlesex.
Mike Lake had my vote in a difficult race. It will be interesting to see what he chooses to do in the future.
I’ll remind my Wakefield based family they have a choice this fall for rep!
I saw Steve recently at the annual Malden Democratic City Committee cookout that I attended with Mike Lake. He thoughtfully remembered our recently passed friend, Walter Mulany, a lifelong union Democrat. I was so happy to learn from Steve that our mutual friend, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, had endorsed him back in May before the primary. I think Steve is going to win big and move Malden forward.
Thanks for the good wishes, ljtmalden, and good luck to you and Steve on November 4.
P.S. Mike will be ok. He has a great future ahead of him.