Today, another chapter in our ongoing series of “Why Is Ed Markey Constantly Begging For Money He Doesn’t Really Need?”
First, the basics. As you are well aware, Ed Markey’s is one of the safest Democratic Senate seats in the country. Nate Silver gives him a >99% chance of being reelected. Nobody knows who the guy running against him is – the two polls I’m aware of that have polled the race shows that Markey’s opponent, Brian what’s-his-name, is unknown to the vast majority of voters, and that Markey wins the head-to-head running away (53-27 in one, 54-30 in the other).
Despite all of that, Markey’s fundraising emails arrive almost every day, each of them imploring us to send him money, lest the Senate fall into Republican hands (without ever actually saying that his seat is in danger, because he knows as well as anyone that it isn’t). Here’s one from yesterday:
November is fast approaching, and for Democrats across the country, it’s not looking good. The Washington Post, the New York Times, Nate Silver, and others are predicting a likely Republican takeover in the Senate.
The GOP only needs to pick up six seats to gain the majority in the Senate. We can’t let that happen.
Forecasters are giving the GOP the edge. We need to work harder than ever between now and Election Day, and that’s going to take resources — can you get us $5 closer to our $16O,OOO October goal? …
We need to raise $16O,OOO in October to keep fighting. Help us out with a $5 contribution.
That’s $16O,OOO with a letter “O,” by the way, not the number “0.” I still don’t get that.
Anyway, here’s what I got today:
The Washington Post is giving Republicans a 77% chance of taking over the Senate this November….
Whatever else happens on November 4th, we need to take care of business here in Massachusetts. To finish this race strong, we need to raise $19O,OOO in October — get us $5 closer to our goal now.
Wait, wait – why the $30,000 raise for October? Did something happen between yesterday and today to dramatically change the nature of the race here in Massachusetts? Did Markey commit some epic gaffe, or did ol’ what’s-his-name say or do something so remarkable, such that the outcome of this race is suddenly in doubt?
I’m pretty sure the answer is no. It just looks to me like Markey got even greedier for campaign cash. Ugh.
We get it. You don’t like the vendor that Ed Markey is using for his email solicitations.
So, now that this issue has been fully discussed here several times, can we please move on? David, is it really necessary to go over this thing every time that you get another email?
To paraphrase Markey, I know you’re tired of reading these posts. I sure wish I didn’t have to keep writing them.
to keep pace with them?
Good God, man, have you not heard? Ed needs this money to prevent a TEA PARTY TAKEOVER right here in Massachusetts. It’s all very alarming.
Crying wolf exposes one to the danger of being eaten by wolves.
It’s actually kind of useful for fundraising letters to reflect the actual state of alarm rather than to shout ignorable alarms until actual alarm comes and gets ignored.
I think that explains Markey’s bump.
I don’t know. I’m glad that Markey has pledged $100,000. But it still doesn’t explain why, when he’s sitting on over two million bucks against a token opponent, he needs $190,000 (or even $160,000) in the month of October in order to prevent a Kochtopus takeover in MA.
“Today I’m reaching out to my supporters to help our gubernatorial candidate, Martha Coakley.”
It’s easy to do.
I like keeping tabs on what our electeds are up to. Being on all their email lists is a good way to do that.
If David unsubscribes, then I have to resubscribe to all of these lists. I figure if anything important comes up, David will let me know. 🙂
In theory, it’s a good idea for politicians not to take anything for granted. I haven’t heard anything about how hard Markey is campaigning. Is he going door to door, crisscrossing the state, attending hundreds of rallies, things like that? Anyone at BMG stuffing envelopes for him?
If so, the fundraising is at least pardonable. But if everything in his campaign is on cruise control except the fundraising, well . . .
…is wrapped into the efforts of the coordinated campaign.
is simply to get around spam filters more effectively. Apparently Ed Markey’s fundraising firm is only slightly more sophisticated than Nigerian princes.
Nigerian princes need the money more than Eddie.