Martha Coakley’s response to a question at the last gubernatorial debate is crumbling under heavy media scrutiny. Martha indicated that she had cried recently at a memorial service. However, interviews with witnesses cast doubt onto this claim. One witness described Ms. Coakley as acting “solemn” while another described her facial expressions as “serious.” Another witness recalls Ms. Coakley expressing “what seemed like sincere sympathy” to the family and friends of the deceased. But no one can recall seeing actual tears coming from Ms. Coakley’s eyes on that occasion. There were several witnesses who claimed that they saw Ms. Coakley holding a tissue, but none can confirm that she dabbed her eye at any point. The witnesses can’t even agree as to what color the tissue was, some describing it as white while others described it as off-white.
A forensic team dispatched to verify Ms. Coakely’s claim did find what they believe to be Ms. Coakley’s tissue in the dumpster where the trash from the memorial services was deposited. Preliminary reports match the color and brand of tissue to a half-full pocket tissue pack discovered in Ms. Coakley purse. However, those same preliminary reports have not found evidence of any tears on that tissue. There were small amounts of both mucous and saliva, along with slight traces of Sephora liquid foundation make-up. There was also a piece of trident spearmint gum stuck to the tissue, but scientists have confirm that the gum was most likely attached to the tissue after Ms. Coakley threw it into the trash receptacle. None of the preliminary reports have identified any liquid that would have been emitted from Ms Coakley’s tear ducts.
Between the eyewitness accounts and the forensic reports, the evidence begins to mount that Ms. Coakley may have been less that truthful at the gubernatorial debate with her answer to the question of the last time she cried. Ms. Coakley’s campaign brushed off questions calling the issue “ridiculous” and wondering if the media “has anything better to do with their time.” But the fact that Ms. Coakley would lie about this obviously calls into question every statement and promise that she has made during the campaign.
We are left with many burning questions that call for fast responses from Ms. Coakley if she expects anyone to take her campaign seriously. Is she lying about this because she is incapable of human emotion? Why does she waste her valuable time during the final few days of a campaign carrying her own tissues? Does the fact that she did not delegate the tissue carrying task to a campaign aid an indication that she is a poor manager who is unable to delegate even the simplest of tasks? Did she perform any due diligence into whether Sephora brand make-up is tested on animals before buying her liquid foundation? Just who does she think she is anyway?
…but I doubt many would question someone tearing up at a memorial service.