Martha Coakley beat Charlie Baker in Boston 66.09% – 30.02%.
Despite this, she underperformed all of the other Democrats in contested statewide races in terms of percentages and all but one in terms of raw votes. She fell 14,107 votes behind Ed Markey (80.61%); 16,987 votes behind Maura Healey (81.48%); 15,514 votes behind Bill Galvin (82.11%); and 1,884 votes behind Deb Goldberg (74.08%). She received 912 more votes than Suzanne Bump but got a smaller percentage of the vote (Bump had 74.68% of the vote for Auditor, but the vote total for that race was 12% smaller).
I would be very interested to know where she ran most behind the other Democrats on the ticket, but that would require more effort than I feel like expending right now. I was also curious, though, to see which precincts in Boston Charlie Baker won.
I found 37 of them.
East Boston
Ward 1 Precinct 11: 47.09% – 46.80%
Ward 1 Precinct 12: 54.40% – 40.69%
Ward 2 Precinct 1: 49.69% – 47.10%
Ward 2 Precinct 3: 51.06% – 46.81%
Ward 2 Precinct 5: 51.49% – 45.98%
North End
Ward 3 Precinct 1: 53.35% – 43.14%
Ward 3 Precinct 2: 53.88% – 41.67%
Ward 3 Precinct 3: 51.33% – 45.31%
Ward 3 Precinct 4: 50.00% – 45.13%
Ward 3 Precinct 6: 58.33% – 47.32%
Beacon Hill
Ward 5 Precinct 3: 49.94% – 47.30%
Ward 5 Precinct 5: 51.82% – 44.82%
Back Bay
Ward 5 Precinct 6: 56.33% – 40.89%
Ward 5 Precinct 7: 51.81% – 44.39%
Ward 5 Precinct 8: 49.70% – 47.76%
South Boston
Ward 6 Precinct 3: 50.91% – 44.56%
Ward 6 Precinct 4: 48.29% – 39.19%
Ward 6 Precinct 5: 54.20% – 45.28%
Ward 6 Precinct 6: 60.13% – 35.95%
Ward 6 Precinct 7: 58.76% – 38.07%
Ward 6 Precinct 8: 59.91% – 37.34%
Ward 6 Precinct 9: 60.90% – 37.27%
Ward 7 Precinct 1: 58.53% – 38.47%
Ward 7 Precinct 2: 59.53% – 35.80%
Ward 7 Precinct 3: 56.84% – 38.71%
Ward 7 Precinct 4: 54.47% – 40.03%
Ward 7 Precicnt 6: 49.80% – 46.22%
Ward 16 Precinct 9: 55.24% – 41.93%
Ward 16 Precinct 12: 53.49% – 43.45%
West Roxbury
Ward 20 Precinct 12: 53.61% – 41.87%
Ward 20 Precinct 13: 51.94% – 43.20%
Ward 20 Precinct 14: 53.67% – 43.61%
Ward 20 Precinct 15: 47.82% – 47.42%
Ward 20 Precinct 16: 50.05% – 45.45%
Ward 20 Precinct 17: 49.46% – 46.29%
Ward 20 Precinct 18: 47.90% – 47.56%
Ward 20 Precinct 19: 52.56% – 44.57%
Interestingly, 31 out of the 37 precincts here voted for Steve Grossman in the primary.
Coakley won the following neighborhoods in full on Tuesday: West End, Chinatown, the South End, Fenway, Roxbury, Mission Hill, Jamaica Plain, Roslindale, Mattapan, Hyde Park, Allston, and Brighton.
Thanks for the great work!
I wonder if there was anything to those fears that some Grossman voters would go for Baker.
and Quincy too.
And that was the difference plus the ten thousand or more people in the state who voted against her because of Tookie.
Martha lost all these wards because of Brian Wallace, Tim Cahi,, and Jack O’Brien.
I don’t understand whyt the DEms won’t admit this.
The Dems threw a party with lousy food, lousy, music, no booze, shitty location, with no parking. Of course it sucked but they blame it on the party goerss’ inability to have fun.