For better or ill (opinions vary), Boston will be representing the United States in its bid for the 2024 Olympic Games. Given the recent rapprochement between American and International Olympic officials, and the span of time since the last North American games, Boston starts with some built-in political advantages.
Before any other comment, I will take a moment of pride to state that Boston’s bid was seen as superior to those of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. Whether you want the games or not, it is good to see Boston not only in those cities’ league, but their superior.
Please share widely!
I am *strongly* against this bid. Any politician that publicly supports this bid can forget about ever getting my vote again.
I have to concede that two of the reasons I opposed the bid appear to be wrong. The first idea that we were vastly behind our opponents for the USOC nod was clearly wrong, as today’s victory for Boston 2024 demonstrates. They may have had a head start and maybe a better bid on paper, but we beat out some pretty serious competition. That is something, and it may have to do with the idea of a walkable games, a low cost games, and a green games.
The other prediction, that the IOC would not like this bold strategy remains to be seen, but I suspect we will at least make it to the final round. Neither outcome, that the USOC would pick us or that the IOC would make us a finalist is one I would’ve expected.
Lastly, while I am still in the No Olympics camp, let us have full transparency to the public in the proposed host city and see what the USOC saw, and see how we can get from point A to point B and whether that is worth it for the city. Those questions should always guide us in this process.
And given that nbc hasn’t been given an American Olympics in the span of *several* vast, IOC-funding contracts, I suspect all that really matters for 2024 will be what NBC wants.
Unless the citizens of Massachusetts rise up and make clear that we will not bankrupt our future for a party for the world’s billionaires, demanding a public vote on the matter, then we are going to get stuck with this albatross. I strongly suspect a public vote is the only thing that could scare away the ioc at this point.
If all that mattered is what NBC wanted, Chicago would not have been dumped out on the very first round of voting for the games. That as an embarrassment, but also an indication that Olympic politics aren’t exclusively American ones.
And I will repeat myself AGAIN, ryan, that a scientific poll is required as part of a bid book at the candidate city stage. It is run independently from the organizing committee. Poor poll results have sunk previous bids.
Your long lost relative in Nigeria died and you’ve inherited a bridge. it’s really great. Millions use it everyday and it stands over the Mystic River in Boston. They even put cameras on it that take pictures of license plates to collect fees, so you don’t even have to hire a staff.
You just have to deposit $10,000 in processing fees to the person’s bank in Nigeria, then it’s all yours.
/sarcasm off
Bob Costas was being interviewed after the Boston nomination and he made it clear that NBC is demanding a US Olympics in 2024, and as long as Boston’s bid isn’t a complete catastrophe, we’re going to get it. He flat out said we don’t need the best bid to win it.
I’m going to take the words of the host of NBC’s Olympics over the incredibly naive Everything is Awesome approach.
NBC is not going to wait any longer than 2024 (30 years!) for a US Summer Olympics — and short of Bostonians marching on the street in the thousands until they’re given a vote or a comet crashing down on us, nothing is going to stop it. NBC was pissed by Chicago, and now with Comcast in charge and stuck with the Olympics until the 2030s, they’re not going to screw around. Comcast is a lot more ruthless than GE ever was — NBC was a side project to the GE.
So let’s not talk about silly polls, which are incredibly easy to manipulate, “scientific” or otherwise. There’s only one poll that counts, and that’s the one that comes with a ballot.
… “The Protocols of the Elders of Comcast.”
I’m not a fan of the secret global conspiracy argument. Nor do I take a tv host as an unimpeachable source.
I get that you have decided to oppose this. Fine. Please just do everyone a favor and read relevant documentation from past and present bids so that your opposition is grounded in facts, and not sweet whispers from the guy who does interview.
Right here on page 5 of the 2020 candidate cities report: “As additional background information, the IOC commissioned an opinion poll in each Candidate City (and respective region and country) which was carried out in January 2013. The results of this poll can be found in Annex C. “
You just know the topic came up.
Here is their PR. I want to see some serious discussion on this. We cannot keep our bridges safe, our recovering addicts treated, our homeless sheltered – but want to have a party for the world??? Dear MAPC Community,
Boston’s selection as a possible host for the 2024 Olympics is an exciting development for the Greater Boston Region. Below, please find the statement issued yesterday by Marc Draisen, MAPC Executive Director, that outlines his vision for a sustainable, equitable Olympics that will benefit the region for 2024 and well beyond.
Amanda Linehan
Communications Manager
“The Metropolitan Area Planning Council, the land use planning agency for Greater Boston, congratulates the City of Boston and Mayor Martin J. Walsh on Boston’s selection as the U.S. candidate for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We are confident that all residents of Greater Boston feel a sense of pride for this great honor. These are exciting times!
“Now, the real work begins. Our bid before the International Olympic Committee will be even stronger if we can meet the following goals:
Make this an Olympics that athletes, residents, and visitors can truly reach by transit, walking, and biking. We have the capacity to avoid clogging our roads with traffic, and that will make the experience better for everyone.
Build Olympic facilities and infrastructure that will serve the City, Greater Boston, and the Commonwealth for decades to come. We should choose and build infrastructure projects that will provide jobs, homes, mobility, and recreation in the future, well beyond two weeks during the summer of 2024.
The private sector must step up and help fund these facilities. Government has a role to play, for sure, but public agencies and taxpayers can’t do it on their own.
Make the Olympics a catalyst to build a more equitable region. Involve neighborhoods, community groups, and small businesses in the planning process. Strive to make decisions that will provide more jobs and expand long-term opportunities for low-income workers and minority/woman-owned businesses.
“Each of these goals is in our reach, and entirely consistent with the bold vision already laid out by Mayor Walsh,” said Draisen. “As the planning agency for all of Metro Boston, MAPC stands ready to work with our partners in government and in the private sector to make them a reality, and to help Boston succeed in this bold endeavor.”
Marc D. Draisen
Executive Director, MAPC
Much more yes we can without the assumption of mutual exclusivity between the Games and other goals and values we have.
always wants to be bigger than he is. Let’s see the MAPC specifics on what they support. Someone should hit them with a public records request since they are publicly financed.