Once again, I thought I would share a few highlights of interest from tonight’s DSC meeting.
- There are three vacancies: male for Worcester & Middlesex (Flanagan); female for 2nd Essex & Middlesex (L’Italien); female for Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, & Hampden (Downing). Anyone interested who qualifies must notify the state party by COB February 20th. Conferences will be held March 28th for any contested races.
- The caucus window is May 2nd-June 28th, with encouragement to hold them sooner rather than later. (Remember, the convention is not until September 19th this year.) Because the January 31st registration deadline is in the party charter that still stands, but an amendment is being proposed to this convention to strike that detail from the charter for future cycles. Those not in attendance at caucus may be considered for delegate if they notify the chair, but only if the slate cannot be filled by those who do attend.
- The party is doing a voter registration drive in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. The goal is to register 1965 new voters by August 6th.
- Future meetings are set for May 6th, August 4th, and either December 1st or 2nd at locations TBD. The August meeting will include the selection of add-on delegates.
Please share widely!
As one who put in time as doorknocker in Lawrence I know how hard just 16 registrations can be.