Strike another one off the list. At least he didn’t form another committee.
One of the central themes in Baker’s campaign was transparency and accountability. He was pushing the idea of good government reforms:
Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker has announced a series of reforms aimed at government accountability and electoral reform.
These reforms are designed to make Beacon Hill more accountable, transparent, and geared toward providing real customer service to Massachusetts taxpayers.
Laying it on a wee bit thick, he quoted JFK in his inaugural address. Hey Charlie, mass layoffs hurting those in need is only Camelot for Pioneer, not the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
“Decades ago, John F. Kennedy stood where I stand today when he delivered a farewell address to the General Court of Massachusetts before traveling to Washington D.C. to become our 35th President.”
“In that address, he said success in public service should be measured against four historic qualities: courage, judgment, integrity and dedication.”
“Third we must have integrity to assure accountability and transparency because when we make honest mistakes they must be acknowledged and corrected.”
So this should be a no brainer, the state’s public records law. Will Charlie Baker be accountable and transparent to the public? Via the AP:
“Gov. Baker … believes everybody should comply with the current law as it stands and looks forward to reviewing the details of future initiatives to appropriately update the law”
Let me translate. Nope.
I spent Father’s Day giving my daughter a personal tour of the JFL Library where I am a Founding Member of the Honorary Fellows.
What a mockery to his legacy Baker has become. He should show less profile and more courage.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
Fred Rich LaRiccia
from the 1st Amendment Coalition .
…to suggest that Gov. Baker does not plan to follow the law. Your last quote even indicates he is open to updating it.
speaks cautiously, gets slammed.
like you campaigned.
sounds nice in a campaign, but he never had any intention to being open and transparent.
Not sure of your statement, seems like you are parsing words, Baker style. The problem is exactly what he campaigned against, Mitt and Patrick for that matter used the Governor’s office as a shield. Baker rallied against that and in a matter of days being in office, it seems that his press bobos reached out with the middle finger.
lots of criticism of what you think he will do. Just like one about the regulations. Maybe he has a plan but is not ready to launch it. Maybe the legislature has something in mind. Maybe he thinks fixing the T is currently more important. Who knows?
Why on earth do you say that when you campaigned against the very statement? Sorry, that’s not a resounding endorsement.
It’s important to have all the things you say during a campaign interpreted by people who hate you and then rush to implement them during your first six months in office. If Baker had pursued transparency to the fullest so far would you ever vote for him? Unlikely.
The MA government (all branches) is one of the least transparent in the nation, and that didn’t occur in the last six months.
…or at least specific example? I still can’t figure out what it is you are accusing the Governor of hiding.
but the point specifically is that the gov campaigned to do things differently and transparency. That happened. (please detail specifically if you think why that didn’t occur)
at the first discussion about HIS office being open, unlike others past (A-F’n GAIN like he campaigned) the statement is that he liked things the way they are.
What is confusing here?
Does that make it less confusing?
…he is walking back on a promise and again, your final quote seems to suggest the opposite. What is he specifically not doing that you either are hoping he would do or that you construe as breaking a promise?
I am confused as well.
Or is she okay because she never campaigned on the idea that she wouldn’t take money from businesses she regulated and/or her employees?
Baker campaign: transparency. Charlie “Fitzgerald” Baker, the next JFK
Baker governor, eh, what we do now is good. thanks for asking though.
So, that’s Deb Goldberg’s fault?
Ah, into the abyss.
…lacking a specific instance where he hasn’t in your opinion been transparent enough what you are missing is the old “campaign in poetry, govern in prose” distinction. I would have characterized the above comparison thusly:
Candidate Baker: “We need transparency. My administration will be the most transparent in history! Our public record laws should be stronger.” (crowd applauds)
Governor Baker: “OK, staff and advisors, now that we’re here how specifically should we implement my campaign rhetoric about transparency? Are we at least adhering to existing law? How realistic is getting various reforms through the legislature?”
Whether it is a goal you favor or not, it is always easier to say something on the campaign trail than it is to implement once elected.
… every Republican will be governor for 15 Minutes.
What strikes me about the statement is that it might not be obvious mendacity as much as sheer laziness. In doesn’t even try to address the space between campaign rhetoric and actual governance: it sounds to me like little more than “leave me alone.”.
It certainly would be in keeping with previous GOP governors to begin the process of checking out before the rest of us are done checking in. Indeed, of the previous GOP Governors, Weld, Cellucci, Swift and Rmoney, Baker strikes me as the least industrious… Maybe we should be thankful he’s made it thus far?
but decided against it.