My Facebook feed has lit up with news, for which I could have posted any number of links, that SCOTUS has ruled 5-4 within the hour that all states must grant licenses to all otherwise lawful couples regardless of the gender combination of said couple. In other words, marriage equality is the law of the land. June 26th also happens to be the anniversary of the Lawrence v. Texas and Windsor decisions, so if there were ever an officially designated LGBT Civil Rights day this should be it. Find Justice Kennedy’s opinion for the Court here.
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I have long felt that the right to same sex marriage benefits and recognition was inherent in the 14th amendment. A heterosexual couple, regardless of religious status, procreative ability or intent, has had the unimpeded right to a host of benefits and yes, legal protections not granted to same sex couples. And this court has affirmatively upheld that principle, first articulated judicially in the Goodridge decision in our fair commonwealth 15 years ago. A good day for the Constitution, despite the rhetoric from the less seemly dissents.