Two school shootings today. This is a quasi-rant to my conservative friends.
To my friends who abhor the thought of any type of gun regulation …
- You’re being used by gun manufacturers to make money. They bribed the NRA a long time ago to do their bidding and don’t care about you or the 2nd amendment. All they want to do is make money and it’s easiest to make money by scaring you. Much easier than trying to sell you guns for sport. Unfortunately for the country, and fortunately for them, it is very easy to scare you.
- The 2nd amendment has the terms “well regulated” and “militia” in it. It has limits.
- Let’s assume it didn’t. It was written by slave owners who didn’t have electricity. Things change.
- Just want to remind you that this still has nothing to do with the Constitution, it’s about big businesses using/scaring you to make a profit.
- If you are scared of a hostile government, remember that an AR-15 can’t shoot down a predator missile. So if the most powerful and sophisticated military in the world wants you dead, no gun will help you.
- On this note, our government is a democracy. That means you are the government you are scared of.
- However, in fairness, big corporations like gun manufacturers have usurped our democracy. So even though 80% of the population wants things like universal background checks, it doesn’t pass because massive corporations make more money without it.
- Remember point 1. They think you’re a tool, and they’re using you.
- Gun control does work. That’s why we’re the only developed country that has these issues.
- Before you mention Chicago, let’s remember most criminals have cars, so if one city has strict gun laws they can simply drive to a place that does not.
- Before you mention Israel and Switzerland, let’s remember they have much stricter gun laws than us. So if you want to replace our laws with theirs, well you my friend are a super liberal.
- A gun is not a tool in the typical sense. It is a tool made only to kill things. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. True. But they make it a lot easier. Never heard of a mass school hammering. [Ed. note: actually, just such a thing happened at a school in China. But, importantly, no children were killed though several were injured.]
- That’s why each of these shootings was used with a legally purchased gun.
- There is a lot of violence in the media. We can address that and regulate tools meant only to kill.
- We absolutely need to improve our mental health system. We can address that and regulate tools meant only to kill.
- The idea of more guns solving the issue is another example of you being used. See point 1.
- How terrible do you think Americans are that the only way we can live without the fear of being shot at schools or in theaters is that we all need to have guns all the time. We’re better people than that.
- Also these shooters are not normal, they have a death wish for themselves and others. They don’t care where they attack and for the most part whether they die in the attack. These are not sophisticated hit jobs. They’re psychos out for mass destruction.
- By the way stop calling yourself pro-life. You can’t be pro-life and pro-gun.
- Finally, here’s what you should really fear; getting sick and not having adequate health insurance. Because while you cling to your guns, lose all your life savings, and watch your family suffer, you made some elitist rich corporate gun manufacturing CEO even richer…and when he/she gets sick they’ll be taken care of because you were scared and used and made them a lot of money.
Please share widely!
kirth says
But many of your points, starting with the first one, will convince your conservative readers that they don’t want to listen to you. Telling people that they are “easily scared” will turn them off, regardless of whether it’s true or not.
johntmay says
Something you can only hear in the USA:
Person A: What do you think about that school shooting, wasn’t it awful?
Person B: Which one?
terrymcginty says
This is the single best advocacy fin the gun issue I have ever seen anywhere. It is brilliant, and it should go viral.
(I do not believe for a minute that it is possible – or reasonable – that the only way to reach irrational people is to enable their paranoia by pussy-footing around them. If you can’t speak the obvious truth that these people are easily scared, you are deluding yourself if you think they will listen better by kowtowing to their irrational paranoia. Sometimes people need a convincing splash of cold water in the form of realistic truth. This piece splashes them right where they need it. Kissing their hindquarters hasn’t worked to date.)
jconway says
I strongly agree with all of these points and can easily see them go viral with the right kind of pictures and memes. And that is important as I feel our generation will be the one to finally address this issue head on-the staggering number of Republican friends-even some libertarian and conservative leaning ones-calling for better gun control or endorsing the insurance option is giving me hope. Which is always in short supply after these now routine atrocities we keep seeing committed. I’ll still bet on hope beating fear in the long run.
thebaker says
We passed laws that make school property gun free zones and that stopped all the school shootings! Oh and BTW you’re a tool see #1
jconway says
The data shows it’s a completely bullshit point, the substance of which Anthony already astute addressed in point #10. Local gun control efforts will always be undermined by other localities with weaker gun laws, it’s why NYC gangs drive to Virginia and why Chicago gangs in the community I used to live in can go over the border to Indiana or Wisconsin. Thanks to Heller, backed by a right wing activist court, we can’t even close gun shops that willingly and knowingly sold to cop killers anymore.
Christopher says
I’m pretty sure murder is illegal in every jurisdiction, yet some people commit murder. By your logic why bother – criminals just murder anyway in violation of the law.
thebaker says
everyone BUT the criminals will obey the law …. GOT IT!
Thank you Christopher.
Christopher says
Brady Bill and assault weapons bans have shown that, as does the fact that there are so few gun crimes in other countries just as free as we are because they don’t have the guns to begin with.