If you think Muslims aren’t condemning ISIS, it’s not because Muslims aren’t condemning ISIS. It’s because you’re not listening to Muslims.
A few points to remember about the ISIS attacks in Paris:
- The vast majority of victims of ISIS have been Muslims. In fact, 45 people just died in Beruit from a bombing by ISIS including three residents of Dearborn, Michigan.
- Many of the Syrian refugees are fleeing ISIS
- There are 1.6 billion Muslims in this world of which approximately 31,500 are part of ISIS. (0.0019%).
- As one Muslim put it, “Asking me to condemn the obviously condemnable presumes my basic moral code is in question.”
- A significant share of Muslims are Shiite and ISIS has made its intention to murder Shiites quite clear by terrorist attacks in Iraq and elsewhere.
The world’s largest Muslim country is Indonesia and its President has condemned the attacks. Other Muslim nations as well: Saudi King Salman, top Sunni scholars in Saudi Arabia (“Terrorists are not sanctioned by Islam and these acts are contrary to values of mercy it brought to the world.”)
Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan of the UAE:
President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has reaffirmed the UAE’s full solidarity with France, a friend and strategic partner, at this difficult time in the face of the heinous crimes on Friday that claimed the lives of large numbers of innocent civilians.
He also expressed the UAE’s sympathy and solidarity with the French Government and the friendly people of France in these hard times, extending his heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the victims’ families.
Qatar’s Foreign Minister:
Attacks in Paris that killed more than 100 people violate all human and moral values, Qatar’s foreign minister said in a statement.
“The state of Qatar, through its foreign minister, strongly condemns these heinous attacks that have struck the French capital causing so many victims,” Khaled al-Attiyah said in a statement sent to Reuters by the embassy in Paris.
“These acts, which target stability and security in France are against all human and moral values,” he added.
Kuwait’s Emir:
HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Friday night sent a cable of condolence to French President Francois Hollande following the attacks in Paris. The Amir strongly condemned “these criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values”, and expressed sincere condolences over the large number of victims.
He reaffirmed Kuwait’s solidarity with the French people and government, saying Kuwait supports all measures France might take to protect its security against terrorist acts. He also renewed Kuwait’s commitment to the international campaign against all forms of terrorism.
The Crown Prince of of Bahrain:
His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, today sent a cable to the French President Francois Hollande in which he offered profound condolences and consolation over the victims of the terror attacks that targeted Paris on Friday, and left many innocent people dead or injured.
HRH Crown Prince reiterated his strong condemnation of such terror attacks targeting innocent civilians, wishing the wounded speedy recovery.
Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations:
we are revolted by this heinous and despicable attack on civilian populations.”
He says the Islamic State group, which claimed responsibility for the attacks that killed at least 129, “does not represent Muslims.
His fuller statement can be found on YouTube. Furthermore, Think Progress reports
CAIR is also part of a broad coalition of Muslim groups scheduled to hold a press conference noon Saturday to collectively condemn the attacks. The group is said to include representatives from CAIR, American Muslims for Palestine, Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim Alliance in North America, Muslim American Society, Muslim Legal Fund of America, Muslim Ummah of North America, and the Mosque Cares.
The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations:
The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a coalition of leading national and local Muslim organizations, strongly condemns the abhorrent terror attacks that took place yesterday in Paris and left over 150 innocent people dead and scores injured. USCMO stands consistent with its position against all forms of violence against innocent people anywhere in Turkey, Beirut, Syria, Paris, and on our soil irrespective of the perpetrators, targets, or reasons. These repugnant acts of violence defy the sanctity of every innocent human live and shall always be condemned and rejected.
The US Council of Muslim Organizations sends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and to the people of France and stands in solidarity with them against terrorism and violent extremism. We ask the American Muslim community around the nation to hold candle light vigils in memory of the victims and in support of their families.
The Muslim Council of Britain:
The attacks once again in Paris are horrific and abhorrent, and we condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms. My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours.
This attack is being claimed by the group calling themselves ‘Islamic State’. There is nothing Islamic about such people and their actions are evil, and outside the boundaries set by our faith.
This week we have once again witnessed outrageous attacks be that in Beirut earlier in the week or Paris today – there is no justification for such carnage whatsoever. We hope the remaining people responsible are brought to justice and face the full force of the law.
The imam of the mosque in Al-Azhar, one of the oldest Sunni institutions in Egypt also condemned the attack:
Le grand imam de la mosquée Al-Azhar, prestigieuse institution de l’islam sunnite, a condamné samedi les attaques à Paris qui ont fait au moins 128 morts les qualifiant d'”odieuses” et a appelé “le monde entier à s’unir pour faire face à ce monstre”
« Nous condamnons cette attaque odieuse », a affirmé cheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb à l’ouverture d’une conférence au Caire, soulignant que « le temps est venu pour que le monde entier s’unisse afin de faire face à ce monstre »
As reported in USA Today:
Fateh Kimouche, 38, founder of the prominent French Muslim blog Al Kanz, said it was important for the whole country to put up a “united front against terrorists.” But he also expressed concern about a backlash against Muslims following this “atrocious act.”
Kimouche said that “Muslims suffer a double punishment: massively victims in the Middle East and around the world,” as well as being the targets of Islamophobia. “The Muslim community is in mourning like the rest of the French, but also in the anxiety of retaliation,” he said.
Attacks like the ones tonight in Paris are committed to purposely trigger an Islamophobic backlash. That backlash is not an unintended consequence of such attacks, it is part of their logic. ISIS types want an Islamophobic backlash because it lends credence to their narrative that there is a war between the West and Islam. By strengthening and emboldening the xenophobic right-wing in Europe, they strengthen their own worldview as well. And the most tragic irony is that that backlash may target refugees who themselves had been fleeing ISIS’ reign of terror.
Thoughts with everyone in Paris tonight. May the forces who wish to beget an apocalyptic “war of civilizations” be defeated.
…that said something like, “Those of you blaming refugees for the Paris attacks realize that is exactly what they are fleeing from, right?”
but your quote sounds good, Christopher!
Some on the right in both the US and Europe have at least strongly implied it.
So you went
“Those of you blaming refugees for the Paris attacks”
“strongly implied it”
way to save face!
There have been people blaming refugees as an excuse not to let them in. You need to lose the attitude.
LOL OK – So tell me WHO specifically is “blaming refugees for the Paris attacks” ?
Feel free to scroll through the #NoRefugees tag.
I’ll ask the question again … who knows maybe you or Christopher could finally answer it … who is “blaming refugees for the Paris attacks” again? Everything I ‘ve seen points the finger at ISIS, but then again I don’t trust BlueMassGroup for news LOL.
I know it’s a tough question because you obviously can’t answer it, but could you at least tell me how the view is on top of Mount BS. LOL
…and every member of Congress who just voted to restrict them are essentially saying we cannot trust them not to be the problem, even if they don’t use the exact words you are looking for. You can stop trolling now!:(
Really useful …