This is another one of those driveby posts where I could have posted any number of news links and don’t really have anything to add, but since nobody else had yet I just thought I would mention that my FB feed lit up today with news that the President has rejected Keystone XL saying it is not in the national interest of the United States.
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I suspect Prime Minister Trudeau will be quietly relieved, his signal that this wouldn’t be something he would press gave the Obama Administration the go ahead to finally kill this. Make no mistake, the waiting game was needed from a diplomatic standpoint, and the new government in Canada is a big reason that Obama had the wiggle room to kill this. Now unfortunately they are both committed to TPP. Even the normally pro-free trade Vox had a good breakdown on why that’s a bad deal for consumers and workers alike, in all the countries affected.
I’m not aware of any of the news outlets playing the entire speech that Obama made. About the Keystone XL pipeline. It is only eight minutes long and truly worth watching to understand how important of a speech this was on climate change and moving our country forward. Here is a link to the YouTube video of the full speech