On my way to bed, I figured I’d watch just a little of the GOP debate, just to see if perhaps my contempt for these clowns is unjustified.
Based on what I saw tonight, it is not.
I gave up fifteen minutes of my life, and heard Donald Trump yelling at somebody, then somebody else yelling at somebody to stop yelling, then some lies about illegal immigration, then some lies about the lies about illegal immigration, then some more yelling, then some more yelling from Ms. Fiorina.
These clowns sound like the neighborhood cats fighting outside on the street.
There’s nothing here but yelling and lies. It is preposterous to attempt to connect anything said during the segment I watched with any aspect of real life (besides polls and ratings). If CNN has any integrity, their post-debate coverage will reflect that.
The specific comments are so far removed from reality that they don’t merit any sort of response or analysis.
These candidates bring shame to our entire political process.
really, I did ! đŸ™‚
It was a contest to see who could out-Fascist who.
Trump called for killing the families of terrorists. Cruz wants to ‘carpet bomb’ innocent civilians. And Christie wants to shoot down Russian planes and start WWIII.
And amidst my disgust and despair I contrasted them to the moving tribute President Obama had given earlier in the day to new citizens sworn in at the National Archives to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Bill of Rights — the first ten amendments to the US Constitution — and how proud he made me feel as the grandson of immigrants to be an American citizen of the world.
And I said to myself, it’s going to be all right. Good is more powerful than evil. Resolve is stronger than fear. And this too shall pass.
Fred Rich LaRiccia
That was beautiful Fred, beautiful.