The Boston Herald reporting that Brady is semi-endorsing Trump. Why even go through the effort and expense of primaries and caucuses. Lets all just give up now and let Trump become the Racist and Chief without even lifting a finger or demonstrating any commitment to progressive values.
Seriously, I don’t believe endorsements (Full Throated or Temped) mean as much as they did at one time. Even if the polls showed 99.9% support for the flaming gas bag, I would still vote for the candidate who supports progressive values, because my polling place is roughly the same walking distance from my front door as it is for most people living in Somerville to walk to a bus stop.
Please share widely!
Speculation of gossip and rumor about Tom Brady’s possible endorsement of whoever. Geez.
… the original posters intent was, and your reply ought to be, directed at a certain loudmouth and his/her similarly trivial frothing…
that’s the whole point of the post.
Just like Schilling. 4000 years ago these guys would have actually been useful to society, as the best hunters around. Now they just suck attention from more mpprtant things, and ocassionallt help out a rich scumbag friend like Trump. Screw Tom Brady.